感謝 | 宇宙と地球とつながり、本質を生きよう*レイキ*音*色ケアンズケワラビーチ発


中1の時にきてくれたケアンズ へ、今度はワーホリで来てくれたこころちゃん。

ケアンズ や他都市で様々な経験を経て、もうすぐ日本へ。

少し前に、ケアンズ に来られたお母様よりお世話になった皆様へのお手紙です。














娘が渡豪し半年が経ったこの春に、私たち家族は、娘を元気にしてくれたケアンズ、そしてMakiさんとToktamさんに会いたくて、思い切ってケアンズを訪れました。そして、2016年に娘が訪れた場所を、今度は家族一緒に巡りました。トリニティビーチ、キュランダ鉄道、SPCケアンズ校、パロネラパーク....元気になった理由はすぐに分かりました。ケアンズの雄大な大自然、MakiさんとToktamファミリーの温かさ、娘の働いていたカフェ、その友人たち、どこに行っても笑顔を返してくれる素晴らしい人々!! ケアンズはどこに行っても元気になれる素晴らしいところでした!!特に、パロネラパークで教わった「夢を持ち続けることの大切さ」は、折りに触れ思い出す様で、貴重な体験だったと感謝するばかりです。







First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone in Cairns who warmly welcomed my daughter Kokoro and embraced Cairns' magnificent nature. Kokoro participated in the "Cairns Refresh Camp 2016" when she was in the first year of junior high school, almost eight years ago now. Without that invaluable experience, and without taking the leap to Cairns this time, I don't know where she would be today. Thinking about this fills me with gratitude towards all of you.

During the 2016 Refresh Camp, she received tremendous care from Maki-san, Kodama san, everyone at Smile With Kids, and all those who supported us. Those days in Cairns, when she was just 13, continue to sparkle brightly in her heart as cherished memories.

In fact, my daughter struggled throughout university, both mentally and physically exhausted, and suddenly set off for Cairns last September. With savings from various part-time jobs, she enrolled in a language school and embarked on this journey, staying with Toktam-san, a friend of Maki-san's, who was due to give birth soon after. I cannot express enough gratitude for Toktam-san's acceptance amidst such a challenging time. She prepared delicious meals every day, showered us with deep affection, and we were greatly indebted to her. The presence of Ryan-kun and Riley-kun was also a source of comfort.

To Maki-san, thank you for everything—from introducing us to Toktam-san to supporting us before our journey to Australia. I will never forget the excitement of being picked up early in the morning at Cairns Airport, watching the beautiful sunrise together on the beach, and receiving the photo of smiling faces over breakfast at a cafe. Thanks to you, my daughter was able to start her life in Cairns with peace of mind. She enjoyed attending events you organized, joined your circle of friends, and learned a lot during her time there. You supported her through countless new experiences—learning how to write a resume for the first time, navigating the bus routes, and cleaning her new apartment. Truly, thank you so much. Without you, Maki-san, my daughter would not have regained her radiance in Cairns. I am truly grateful for the encounter and connection we made at the Refresh Camp eight years ago.

She made good friends at language school, learned to rely on her peers, and began receiving photos of her smiling again. Going to Cairns seemed like escaping from reality, but it was truly the best decision. The eight days in Cairns in 2016 guided and saved her. I am grateful beyond words for the miracle that Smile With Kids brought to her.

This spring, six months after my daughter arrived in Australia, our family visited Cairns again because we wanted to see the place that had revitalized her, and to meet Maki-san and Toktam-san. We revisited the places my daughter had visited in 2016 as a family—Trinity Beach, Kuranda Railway, SPC Cairns School, Paronella Park—and immediately understood why she had regained her vitality. Cairns' magnificent nature, the warmth of Maki-san and the Toktam family, the cafe where she worked, and the wonderful people who returned smiles wherever we went! Cairns is truly a place where you can find joy wherever you go! Especially the importance of "continuing to dream" that I learned at Paronella Park, I often recall with gratitude. It was a valuable experience.

My daughter was able to reflect on herself in Cairns' leisurely pace and abundant nature. She experienced her first language school, living alone, the impact of a major cyclone, the difficulty of finding a job, relying on friends for everything, and grew significantly from being the youngest and most dependent child to a resilient adult in her six months in Cairns. She learned for herself what was important and began to notice even the smallest happiness.

And on the day we returned home, her new challenges began. We returned to Japan, and she left comfortable Cairns for Melbourne. For the next six months, she is determined to conquer her list of things she wants to do every day. Whether she succeeds or fails, everything will become a valuable asset for her. I am proud of my daughter who has gained the courage to move forward like this. Even if she returns home in the future because things don't go as planned, I have conveyed that we are always prepared to welcome her back. I hope she continues to live healthily and positively every day, never forgetting her anxiety when she first landed in Cairns half a year ago, her current feelings of being able to dream about the future, her gratitude to everyone she met and her friends.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Cairns and Maki-san, Toktam's family, Smile With Kids, and everyone who took care of us, for bringing back my daughter's lively smile.

My daughter cherishes this connection and hopes to continue sharing dreams and connecting with all of you in the future.

Minako Watanabe

