Introduction: Raptor made by ROIDZ TECH | ねこ男爵の徒然AWSOME!!なブログ


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Hello, everyone.


Today, I introduce NEW mobility which is produced by ROIDZ TECH.

This mobility is named "Raptor".


 "Raptor" has multiple platform architecture structured by upper body and lower one.

The lower body is the chassis part which is structured by three wheels, independent suspensions, and the oil pressure brake system. 

The upper body can be replaced by other attachments including the steering and riding system, autopilot transport system, etc.


In the following video, a Youtuber is ridding "Raptor" which installed the steering and riding system.

He has enjoyed from the heart while he rides and manipulates "Raptor".


"Raptor" has light weight as 54kg. 
Thanks to that "Raptor" can drive a maximum speed of 40km/h, pass a slalom speedy, and climb over a 5cm step.


I hope I ride "Raptor" someday...

Thank you for reading the last.


[Link to the video]


[Link to the website of ROIDZ TECH]