英語で話しましょう - Grammar Level 4 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Good morning! How're you doing? This is PeachTree again. Pear is out of town. Although Pear calls herself Pear, but I cannot bring myself to imitate her and call myself Peach just yet because it means a very lovely, attractive woman. にひひ


I am going to give you a Level 4 Grammar test. Think well before you answer. It has only 10 questions. The subject is Astronomy but the grammar exercises are on prepositions. Give it your best shot.


Choose the correct answers.


1.Astronomers study the planets ___ our solar system.
a. among
b. below
c. in

2.Stars are balls of gas that give ___ light.
a. away
b. in
c. out

3.A galaxy is a system ___ stars.
a. of
b. off
c. with

4.Would you like to live ___ the moon?
a. at
b. in
c. on

5.The Chinese Wall can be seen ___ the moon.
a. along
b. from
c. through

6.A "light year" is the distance covered ___ light travelling during one year.
a. after
b. by
c. for

7.Lunar months are ___ than our months.
a. more short
b. shorter
c. shortier

8.Man first landed on the moon ___ 1969.
a. afterwards
b. in
c. since

9.A crater is a hole ___ the ground.
a. below
b. in
c. off

10.Gravity is the force that attracts objects in space ___ each other.
a. after
b. between
c. towards

If you want to check your answers before we post the answers tomorrow, please request a copy by clicking the "I want answers now" link below, or better yet, fill in the form at the top of this page where you can request receiving blog articles via email. Just write "Send me answers before everyone gets to see them," in the comment window.


I will see you again very soon. Bye for now.



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