英語で話しましょう - Grammar Level 5 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


This is a Grammar Level 5 quiz. Do your best.


Choose the correct answer.


(1) He is an early ___ but he hates to stay up late.

a. roser
b. raiser
c. riser

(2) In ancient Rome, the peasants ___ up against the Emperor many times.

a. raised
b. rose
c. rised

(3) The six children were ___ by him alone.

a. raised
b. rose
c. risen

(4) The government ___ interest rates for three years until yesterday.

a. had not rose
b. had not raised
c. had not risen

(5) He had ___ flowers every year until this year. Now he grows only vegetables.

a. risen
b. raised
c. rised

(6) To taste good, bread must ___ properly.

a. rise
b. raise
c. be raised

(7) Higher inflation usually ___ prices.

a. raised
b. raises
c. rises

(8) The sun ___ at 6:30 this morning and it was a beautiful sunrise.

a. rose
b. raises
c. rises

(9) At the meeting the committee ___ six questions.

a. rose
b. rised
c. raised

(10) The flag ___ every morning at 6:00 a.m. until yesterday.

a. was raised
b. was rised
c. raised

(11) The army ___ its flag over the island.

a. raised
b. rised
c. rose

(12) Gradually the beanstalk ___ higher and higher until it reached the sky.

a. raise
b. rose
c. rise

(13) Do you think that prices will ___ next year?

a. rise
b. raise
c. raised

(14) The temperature has ___ all day long.

a. risen
b. raised
c. rose

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