英語で話しましょう - 英単語2000語レベルテスト | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語




1. I'm glad we had this opp() to talk.

2. There are a doz() eggs in the basket.

3. Every working person must pay income t().

4. The pirates buried the trea() on a desert island.

5. Her beauty and ch() had a powerful effect on men.

6. La() of rain led to a shortage of water in the city.

7. He takes cr() and sugar in his coffee.

8. The rich man died and left all his we() to his son.

9. Pup() must hand in their papers by the end of the week.

10. This sweater is too tight. It needs to be stret().

11. Ann intro() her boyfriend to her mother.

12. Teenagers often adm() and worship pop singers.

13. If you blow up that balloon any more it will bu().

14. In order to be accepted into the university, he had to impr() his grades.

15. The telegram was deli() two hours after it had been sent.

16. The differences were so sl() that they went unnoticed.

17. The dress you're wearing is lov().

18. He wasn't very popu() when he was a teenager, but he has many friends now.


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