英語で話しましょう - Gun Control | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Everyone, GOOD Friday morning!


After the incident of gun violence, the issue of gun control is again raised. President Obama "actively" supports efforts to reinstate an assault weapons ban and set up a task force to come up with proposals in January.


My transcription of the video is attached below.


Funeral processions again filled the streets of Newtown, Connecticut. More hearses carrying coffins of children to be buried after they were massacred in their classroom. Some of the children returned to school with the different view of the front door; police got them into the class.

"Keeping kids safe and happy… That’s all we are here for…"

(The crowd shouting.... “Shame on NRA…”)

The gun control advocates are sending messages to the rest of the country. You aren’t safe and won't be unless gun laws change.

"You are not immune. Don’t fool yourselves. When you are no longer safe to go to a church, go to a grocery store, go to the movies, or enter a school, there is something horribly wrong."

That message and protest like this putting pressure on the largest and most powerful gun-rights lobby, the National Rifle Association,

“Advocating the right to keep and bear arms ..."

which has made its first comment in a statement saying; the NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again. A rare, hinted, possible concession from a group that consistently opposes gun control legislation.

It comes is the owner of the company made the gun used in the shooting says it's getting out of the gun business.

Gun retailers across the country have pulled assault rifles off their shelves for the time being. Hollywood has postponed the premier of two violent movies and in Washington; The White House and Southern Caucus are talking about reinstating the ban on some assault weapons, strengthening background checks, and possibly other rules.

"And there are other elements of gun legislation that he could support."

Past laws have done nothing to get rid of existing guns. They just stopped the production of some new ones. The outstanding question remains. Will this time, after this tragedy, be different?

Patty Culhane, Al-Jazeera, Washington.

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