英語で話しましょう - Reading in English (11th Grade) 答え | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Reading in English: The following are the answers to the questions of a quiz from the US 11th grade curriculum posted here.




The passage is a part of Eleanor Roosevelt’s famous speech. She was the First Lady of the United States and wife of the 32nd President of the US, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Click here to see the whole address.


1. The relationship between succumb and overcome is the same as the relationship between

“succumb – 屈服する” と “overcome – 打ち勝つ” の関係は、以下のどの関係に等しいか。

A. minority and citizens. (少数派と市民)

B. fight and struggle.  (戦いと闘争)

C. bound and free. ← (つながれたと自由である)

D. conquer and destroy. (征服と破壊)

They are antonyms. 両者は反意語です。

2. The repetition of the word “fight” is used to support which central theme in Roosevelt’s speech?


A. becoming a U.S. citizen (米国市民になること)

B. protecting civil liberties ← (市民の自由を保護すること)

C. looking out for foreign countries (外国を警戒すること)

D. ensuring the division between church and state (政教分離を確実にすること)

3. Roosevelt argues that citizens should not take the law into their own hands because


A. doing so leads to mob violence. (そうすることで、集団暴力へと加速する)

B. enforcing the law is the government’s job. ← (法律を順守させるのは政府の任務である)

C. people should fight with words rather than violence. (人は暴力行為ではなく、言葉で戦うべきである)

D. people have to defend themselves rather than depend on others. (人は人に頼らず、自分の身は自分で守らねばならない)

4. In the middle of paragraph 2, Roosevelt implies that “you have acknowledged that you are no longer able to trust in your courts and in your law-enforcing machinery” when you allow individuals


A. to speak and assemble freely.  (言論と団結の自由)

B. to organize as labor unions. (労働組合を組織すること)

C. to take the law into their own hands. ← (私刑を犯すこと)

D. to think that justice will always prevail. (正義が常に勝つと考えること)

The quiz was cited from the website of the California Standards Test.


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