英語で話しましょう - Writing in English (8th Grade)答え | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Writing in English: Below are the answers to the US 8th grade English quiz posted in my prior article.


translation of the passage 問題文和訳


With all the English education you receive: vocabulary, grammar, useful phrases, conversational expressions, usage of punctuation, writing styles, reading, listening, and so forth, will ultimately let you express yourselves freely in speech or writing. Reading and listening are activities that are passive, while writing and speaking are those that are active. What we aim here is to attain these skills of self-expression.


1. Read this sentence.


She did this task by writing and lecturing across the country.
What is the most accurate replacement for the underlined word in this sentence?


A. done  (した)

B. centered on (~を中心にした)

C. looked at (~を眺めた)

D. → accomplished (成し遂げた)

2. How are sentences 8 and 9 best combined?


A. The money she earned through her hard work was the money continually used to improve the lives of others.

B. She earned money through her hard work, and she continually used the money to improve the lives of others.

C. → She continually used the money she earned through her hard work to improve the lives of others.

D. Continually improving the lives of others was the purpose of the money she earned through her hard work.

Both sentences 8 and 9 talk about Jane Addams; therefore, A and D are not correct choices because their subjects are money and improving the lives of others respectively. B. is simply put the two sentences with the conjuction “and” and wordy. C. is the choice.

文章の8番も9番も、ジェイン・アダムズについて書かれたものです。ですから、A と D は、各々お金や他人の生活を改善することが主語になっていますので、正しい選択ではありません。B は、2つの文章をただ、接続詞「and」でつないだだけで、繰り返す言葉が多すぎます。ということで、C が正解です。

The questions were cted from California Standards Test web page.


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