英語で話しましょう - Reading in English (4th Grade) 和訳1 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Reading in English: Below is the translation (1/2) of the passage from the US 4th grade English quiz from my prior article.


Naming Our Puppy


ペアツリー Advanced English Study Room-Pup

by Mark Merfeld


“This is a lot harder than I thought it would be,” I said. “We’ve been trying to find a name for No-name for a week now.”


“Why is it so hard, Brian?” asked Mom. “You and Tanya have probably suggested a hundred names.”

「ブライアン、どうしてそんなに難しいの?」と母さんが聞く。「あなたとタニアからもう 100 も名前の提案があったわよ。」

“It has to be the right name,” said my little sister, Tanya. “We don’t want No-name stuck with a bad name his whole life.”


“All I know is you can’t keep calling him No-name,” Mom said. “So today’s the day. You have to agree on a name for the puppy today. Now let’s go outside and play with him. Maybe he’ll name himself.”


As we stepped outside, Tanya screamed, “Look out!”


The small, black puppy dashed across the wooden deck and slid into my feet. He stood on his back legs and scratched excitedly at my shins. As soon as I reached down to pet him, he gave me a dozen quick licks with his tongue. Then he was off to jump on my mom.


“Boy, you sure are a little bundle of energy,” Mom said. “Maybe we should call you Tornado.”


“How about Hurricane?” Tanya asked. “We could call him Hurry for short.”


The puppy’s timing was perfect. As soon as Tanya finished her sentence, he hurried off the deck into the tall grass in the back yard. Suddenly, he stopped. Something had caught his eye. He charged into the flowerbed and pounced on some purple pansies. A butterfly escaped and fluttered above his nose.


..... To be continued ........ 続く ........
..... The next will be released in an hour..... 次は一時間くらいでリリースします。 .....

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