英語で話しましょう - Scholarship Competition Application | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


This is a follow-up messege on the second point of My New Year's Resolutions, which is below, and on the prior message Establishing a Scholarship.


2. To establish a scholarship competition funded by this non-profit group. When enough funds are raised, one applicant will receive a scholarship to study English for a week in the US, hopefully by the end of this year.

2. この設立した非営利グループの出資による奨学金コンクールを作ります。この非営利グループが十分な資金を募ることができた時、願わくば今年中にですが、出願者の中から一人を選考し、米国での1週間のアメリカ及び英語体験学習にご招待したいと思います。

The competitions are held among the applicants who applied with the application form attached below with a donation of 100 Japanese yen or US $1. Applications are accepted via messages on Ameba not comments. Copy and paste the form onto the body of the message and fill out the form.

コンクールは、以下に添付している申込書を提出し、日本円 100 円 或いは、米ドル 1 ドルを寄付したコンクール参加申込者の間で行われます。申込書は、コメントではなく、アメーバのメッセージで受け取ることにします。申込書式を本文にコピペし、記入下さい。

The application submission deadline is 12:00 am US Eastern Standard Time on March 31, 2012.

申込書提出期限は、米国東部標準時 2012年3月31日 午前12時 とします。

The selection process will start after the deadline.


The applicants are required to actively participate in the exercises that will be posted on this blog. This requirement is raised from the necessity of making sure of that the applicants have acquired basic speaking and listening skills to enhance their English once they set their feet in the US.


The selection committee is made up of all of the founding members of this group.


Selection Criteria:


1. The English level you had acquired at the time of application. (10%)

1. 申込時の英語力。

2. The number of participation on the blog exercises. (10%)

2. ブログの実践演習への参加回数。

3. The quality of participants' answers to the exercises that we received/heard. (30%)

3. 我々が受け取った、聞いた参加者の演習問題への回答の質。

4. The quality of the final Skype talk with one of the selection committee. All interviewers will ask the applicants the same set of questions. If you do not have access to Skype, please send us your speech with the script via email. The email address to send it is peartreescholarship@hotmail.com. (20%)

4. 選考委員会のメンバー一人との、スカイプによる最終面接の質。面接官は、参加者全てに同じ質問をします。スカイプを使えない参加者は、スピーチを録音した音声ファイルと、その原稿を、電子メールでお送り下さい。送付先アドレスは、peartreescholarship@hotmail.com です。

5. Applicants' character and personality impressions gathered throughout the entire process. (30%)

5. 選考審査期間中に受けた、気質、性格の印象。

There will be enough time given for the scholarship winner to apply and receive for the passport before his/her departure.


The scholarship winner is required to report his/her experience in the US upon returning to the country.


-------------------- Copy and Paste From Here ここからコピペ-------------------

PearTree See the World Study in America Scholarship

Application form

1. Ameba Name if not Ameba member, your Nickname:

1. アメーバでの名前、アメーバに参加していない場合は、ニックネーム:

2. For non-Ameba member, method of contact: for example, email or your blog site

2. アメーバに参加していない場合の、連絡先:例えば、電子メールのアドレス、ブログのアドレスなど。

3. Sex:

3. 性別:

4. Around Age (if minor, please obtain your parental consent):

4. 大体の年齢 (未成年の場合は、両親の同意を得て下さい):

5. Country of Origin and Nationality:

5. 出身国及び、国籍:

6. My country is required to obtain US visa. Yes. No.

6. 私の国は、米国に行くにはビザが入ります。はい。 いいえ。

7. Your English level: STEP 1st grade, TOEIC 900

7. 英語のレベル:例えば、英検1級取得、TOEIC 900点など。

8. How long have you studied English?:

8. 英語学習期間:

9. Have you ever been to the US? If yes, how long?:

9. 米国滞在経験 ある場合は、その期間:

10. Tell us a little about yourself in English. (150 words):

10. 英語で、ご自分についてお書き下さい。(150語程度):

11. Please write as follows and put your names listed at the above #1.:

11. 以下の英文を、繰り返し、空欄にお書き下さい。名前は 1. 番で挙げたものを記入下さい。

The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I agree to notify PearTree of any changes to the above.


Your Name:


11. Donation: Please follow the instruction below.

11. 寄付: 以下の指示に従って下さい。

-------------------- Copy and Paste Up to Here ここまでコピペ-------------------

Your donation: We will accept a donation of 100 Japanese yen. This donation is non-refundable. Click here and follow the instruction.

寄付:日本円 100 円の、寄付を頂きます。この寄付は、返金致しません。上のリンクをクリックし,指示に従って下さい。

Please remember that any of the founding members has rights not to accept any application submitted. We will notify applicants who submitted the unaccepted application with reasons.


Our promise: None of the information within the application will be revealed to anyone other than the founding members. The information is kept for our purposes only. Once the selection is over, we will delete the information.


If we later find out discrepancy between the information on application and the information we gather during the process of selection and/or the information that are necessary for the travel arrangements that we must receive from the scholarship winner, we will return the application to the participants at the time of discovery.


In case the US Embassy/Consulate in your country declines to issue any visa for the scholarship winner to visit the US, we will arrange so that the winner can receive English instructions in his/her country. Whether you need visa to visit the US, you can check on the Internet.


Donation 寄付金額: $0-¥0

$ペアツリー Advanced English Study Room

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ 人気ブログランキングへ



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