英語で話しましょう - 食文化 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


There was a comment from Ylang-ylang posted to the article, Sushi and Coca Cola that I wrote a few articles back. The entire comment is cut and pasted below.

読者のイランイランから、数回前の記事、article, Sushi and Coca Cola「寿司と、コカ・コーラ」に、コメントがありました。その全文を以下にコピペしてあります。





My translation is below:


"Dining Life and Culture
I wonder about this.

I think it sometimes good to break free from the fixed concept. On the other hand, it is not good to lose the tradition.

For example, at the bar where US Marines gather near my home, they do not pour beer into the glass, but drink directly from the bottle. This is not the way to drink beer that Japanese are familiar with. (I do not feel strange after I became accustomed.) It is practical if you call it so, because you do not need to wash the glasses.

Taking Sushi, it is OK, after all, if it is tasty. Isn't that so?
It is not that the green tea is best to accompany Sushi, but that we are too accustomed to it as a culture, we feel it strange otherwise.
By the same token, we have developed the taste for the specific toppings go well together with Sushi because we are used to them.

Hence, it is that the food can be tasteful with other ingredients, but we only do not know otherwise. (smile.)
Did this make sense to you?
However, I believe the cuisine is the symbol of the culture of the country.

I have a comment on his statement that "It is not that the green tea is best to accompany Sushi, but that we are too accustomed to it as a culture, we feel it strange otherwise."


This somewhat differs from my opinion. Sushi has such a delicate taste and if you bring anything stronger in taste than warm green tea, the taste and aroma would be overcome. Of course the light dry wine or sake might accompany it well. However, the essential point that I was making is "Coca cola" is not one on them. I was probably lamenting that I am compromising my taste by doing what others are doing.


I think the general choice of red for meat and white for fish is basically correct as well, because if you choose a wrong white wine for red meat, the meat smell is emphasized. The same applies to seafood.


I was not born and raised in Japan so my taste in Japanese cuisine is an acquired taste after I became a teenager.


My point was to make that "do in Rome as Romans do" and the high cultural development of long history of Japan vs somewhat under-developed food culture since the US is a young country.


And I wholeheartedly agree with his last statement, "I believe the cuisine is the symbol of the culture of the country."



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