英語で話しましょう - CO2 in Developing Countries | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Japanese Version 日本語版はこちら

This is the conclusion of this video. Professor Rahman suggests what developing countries could do to lessen CO2 emissions.

Please listen from 5:01 to the end. The transcription is attached below.

India is following China's footsteps again, a lot of coal, some nuclear a little, a little bit of hydro. Indonesia, a lot of coal, any country which has a lot of coal will have the incentive to burn their own coal for their own energy security.

These developing countries need to take into account opportunities for energy efficiency so that they will not have to retrace the path the developed world has gone through in reaching where we are today so that Chinese, and Indians, Indonesians, and Brazilians don't have to be burning a lot of electricity to burn their incandescent lamps. They can straight away go from no electricity to using compact fluorescent lamps bypassing the intermediate step and saving a lot of electricity in the process.


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