英語で話しましょう - The Source of CO2 | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


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Well then, let's start our discussions of environmental issues.


ドキドキCO2 = carbon dioxide

ドキドキSO2 = sulfur dioxide


prefix meaning "two, double, twice," from Gk. di-, from dis "twice," related to duo (From Online Etymology - https://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=di-)

ドキドキmegawatt = one million watts


prefix, often meaning "large, great," but in precise scientific language "one million" (megaton, megawatt, etc.), from Gk. megas "great, large, mighty" (From Online Etymology - https://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=mega-)

ドキドキkilowatt = one thousand watts 


prefix meaning "one thousand," introduced in French 1795, when the metric system was officially adopted there, from Gk. khilioi "thousand," of unknown origin. (From Online Etymology - https://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=kilo-)

Please listen to the following video from 1:54 to 2:48 as Professor Saifur Rahman at Virginia Tech speaks. The transcription is attached below.

It is true that China is building more than one power plant per week. It is true. And yet 2006, China built 70,000 Megawatts of new capacity in one year. That is as many as twice as much as the US. And its large percentage of that is coal because they have a lot of coal.

Now, what impact does it have globally? Because of the large coal burning, they will produce a significant amount of CO2 and sulfur dioxide and the like. CO2 is the global warming gas, SO2 is an acid rain gas.

So what can China do and what can China, what China will do, I think, is they will be looking at more high efficiency in their power plants such that they will be burning less coal per Kilowatt of electricity.




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