英語で話しましょう - Beijing's Blunder CNN 2 | アダモービス 英語

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Let's go back to Beijing's Blunder CNN. Please click on the thumbnail or the link below and set the timer at 1:20. Listen to Fareed for one minute and read the transcription aloud together with him.

CNN 中国のへまに戻りましょう。サムネール或いはリンクをクリックして、タイマーを1:20位に合わせてください。ファリードのレポートを更に一分聴いてから、もう一度以下の転写を声に出して一緒に読んでみてください。

$ペアツリー Advanced English Study Room-Beijin
Fareed Zakaria GPS: CNN: Beijing's blunder

So they spoke out against what they saw as Chinese bullying and aggression. And they began far more solicitous of America, far more friendly to Washington. Now this could not have pleased China. This was not the peaceful rise strategy that Beijing has long talked about.

But Chinese official said little about all this publicly, so no one knew if they believed they had overplayed their hand. After all they could just as easily have taken the view of the world was envious and was ganging up on them and they would just bide their time, which brings us back to that hotel in Singapore.

Every year for the last ten years, the Shangri-La Dialogue is the place where defense representatives from 28 Asia-pacific nations meet. For the first time ever, China sent its defense minister, General Liang Guanglie.

Liang repeatedly told his audience that China was a peace-loving country with the defense policy that is purely defensive in nature. So we constructed a word cloud around the words he used in his speech with the words the most appear biggest on your screen.


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