英語で話しましょう - Respond Quickly | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


This is the last lesson from A. J. This is the first time he requires us to respond or speak. Here is the summary.

This is rule number 7. This rule helps you to speak quickly and to understand instantly. This is true fluency. Rule number 7 is to use "listen and answer mini stories." In school, we learned by a “listen and repeat” method. With this "listen and repeat" method, you do not think in English. Whereas, “listen and answer” method, students are required to answer instantly to the questions posed by the teacher. You learn to think and respond in English. For example: There was a boy. He went to a store. He bought a candy bar. Then, the teacher asks easy questions about this story, such as “Was there a boy?” “Yes!” “Was there a boy or a girl?” “A boy!” “There was a boy?” ”Yes!” “What was his name?” You don't know so by guessing, “John!” or “Jim!” and so force. Because you are constantly answering questions, you learn to think and respond quickly in English. You will learn to speak so much faster and with ease.

He recommends us to use all of the seven rules that we studied. He goes on to advertise his lessons. I am in no way affiliated with him, his business, or organization.

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