英語で話しましょう - Many Point-of-View Stories | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Let's expand on A. J.'s "point-of-view" stories. Since he says that we need not to study grammar (for speaking), I will not explain them. First 6 are mechanical, but last 4 would require some thoughts.

A. J. の「ポイントオブビューの話」を広げてみましょう。スピーキングには文法の勉強はするなということですので、説明はつけません。最初の6つは機械的なものですが、最後の4つは少し考える必要がありそうです。

 There is a boy. His name is Bill. Bill goes to a store. He buys a bottle of water. He pays 2 dollars for the water.

 There was a boy. His name was Bill. Yesterday, he went to a store. He bought a bottle of water. He paid 2 dollars for the water.

 There will be a boy. His name will be Bill. He is going to go to a store. He will buy a bottle of water. He is going to pay 2 dollars for the water.

 There has been a boy. His name has been Bill. Bill has been to a store. He has bought a bottle of water. He has paid 2 dollars for the water.

 There had been a boy. His name had been Bill. Bill had been to a store. He had bought a bottle of water. He had paid 2 dollars for the water.

 There will have been a boy. His name will have been Bill. Bill will have been to a store. He will have bought a bottle of water. He will have paid 2 dollars for the water.

 If there is a boy, his name will be Bill. Bill will go to a store. He should buy a bottle of water. He might pay 2 dollars for the water.

 If there was a boy, his name could have been Bill. Bill should have been to a store. He might have bought a bottle of water. He may have paid 2 dollars for the water.

 If there were a boy, his name would be Bill. Bill would go to a store. He should buy a bottle of water. He might pay 2 dollars for the water.

 If there had been a boy, his name would have been Bill. Bill should have been to a store. He could have bought a bottle of water. He might have paid 2 dollars for the water.

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