英語で話しましょう - 文章ってこんなに... | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


If you have practiced, even once, your pronunciation of a word using a sound recorder, you may have noticed by now that your tongue does not move as quickly as you wish and your mouth does not open well enough to control the proper sound production. This is because all the muscles that have to be employed to produce English sounds are not yet trained. As you practice more, your muscles will be stronger to produce good sounds.


This will become more obvious when you try to produce a sentence. Your mind and mouth are engaged and concentrated on the word you are producing at that moment and you may not be prepared to produce the next word.


Let's pick up a Website. I got one at


When you scroll down to the first table, you will see a mark like (1) below. Click on it. You can listen to some recorded English sentences spoken by an American. When you listen to a sentence, try to repeat it just as the sentence is spoken while you are recording your voice. Then listen to what you recorded and compare it with what you hear online. Is each word pronounced correctly? Is the duration the same? Are your pitch and intonation similar to what you hear online? Probably not at first.



When you find a problem with pronunciation, go back to the word-by-word method that I introduced at (2). Divide and conquer. Once you can pronounce each word correctly, practice it in the sentence. Practice it until you can say it as fast as the one that is online. You need to pay close attention to what you hear. Your pronunciation is as good as your hearing ability.

(2) http://ameblo.jp/majieigo/entry-10773215088.html


The material to practice speaking English with does not have to be the one I introduced. There are thousands out there online or offline. Choose what you like and practice it. If you keep practicing your speaking English, someday you will be able to say to yourself, “Boy, my pronunciation is good!” And that someday might not be too far away.


I am going to add a few points to the sentence pronunciation in my next article.


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