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Una grande película Del una grande história De una grande mujer.
It don't think this did Joan justice. It could of been cast and written better. Love Joan just not the people that made the movie.
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Et on se demande pourquoi personne ne regarde plus de films francais ... on aura beau prétendre que c'est du contemporain du révolutionnaire de l'abstrait du visionnaire, une oeuvre magistrale incomprise par les gueux ... ca n'en reste pas moins de la CHIASSE ... on ne peut décemment produire une telle CONNERIE et s'attendre à ce que ce soit apprécié ... autant essayer de faire apprécier le gout de la merde de chats.

La zone de confort est totalement annihilée et si l'art doit servir a quelque chose c'est bien de faire bouger les lignes et poser la question autrement sans vulgarité ou provocation facile, je n'ai pas vu ce film mais cette bande annonce est très parlante parce qu'un cinéaste se doit de faire voir entre les images. Les religieux eux même ont suppliciés la Sainte Jeanne, messagère et meneuse de guerre, c'était pas de la merde ça ?.

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Much better than the Leelee Sobieski film.

Comming from the future She is black now 😐😐

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Think France needs a modern day Joan of Arc.

¿Por que un musical? : (


Is Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) a rainbow bridge to salvation through Jesus Christ, perhaps bridging the gap between Purgatory and Paradise, but not going so far as to save those souls declared precluded (destined for Hell), which even Jesus Christ can not save? The film does not rule out this possibility. Young 8-year-old Jeannette(Joan of Arc) listens intently to the wisdom of the divine goddess of the Holy Trinity, Madam Gervaise (Saints Catherine & Margaret, going incognito as 2 incognitas dressed as nuns), who, as a divine KEPHEL pair (Hebrew noun for the DOUBLE - JOB 11:6) attempt to convince young Jeannette (through their combined/synchronous wisdom) that it is blasphemous (even useless) for her to offer up her body and soul to God, as a ransom, herself to be damned forever in exchange, to free the souls damned to Hell which Jesus Christ could not save. The 2 nuns even tell Jeannette that she should not go to war. But spurred on by her faith through visitations by the archangel Michael(Commander of Heaven's Army), Jeannette will become Saint Joan of Arc: Virgin, Shepherdess, Warrior, Prophetess, Savior, and Martyr - ...destined to be the glory of not only France but of the Universal [Catholic] Church as well. -- Pope Saint Pius X (about 1909)..

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It's a shame this movie didn't get the credit it deserved. It should of got as much credit as the Titanic and Pearl Harbor film. Yes both of those were classics, but so was this..
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whats the music on the beginig of the video ?


Oh my Goddess,, I have to watch this mind boggling movie.. I just have to or I will die. 😵😵 Goddess,, why on earth I haven't seen this movie before? 😬😬
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What’s sad about this movie (besides Joan of Arc’s death) is the fact that the British army gets their asses kicked by a 16-19yr old farm girl w/ no military training


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My body burned and my soul set free, you think I've uttered blasphemy.
This is delicious! When Dumont turned to shooting comedies who could even imagine this was only beginning for a stream of surprises?

Joan of Arc always went to God for guidance.. We should learn from that.