So I had some friends visiting me, one from Japan and her friend from Boston.

Oh boy, wasn't it a lot of work!

In my defense, I don't mean to complain here because I don't like her.
I like her. I respect her. And I think she's mature for her age but....

Obviously two is stronger than one....

I had to pick her up at the airport even though I had class till right before the arrival.
It takes me more than an hr to get to the airport by the TRAIN!! Yeah she wanted me to pick her up....

When she arrived here, she didn't know ANY English so I had to take her everywhere and translate everything for her.
I told her it's totally fine if she come here and stay at my place or whatever but I am busy and going to a university is not like Japan where once you got into a university, you don't really do anything.
Getting in the university is hard enough that that's almost like the ultimate goal and they usually party and stuff.

But it's not the same here. Students actually study here and we have lots and lots of assignments.
If you don't study, you sure will fail the course and there is no miss more than three classes to pass the course.

I don't know if she just didn't know the difference or that she didn't care, but she needed assistance in everything.
Yeah she was young but i don't think that's the main reason I'm super exhausted still now, a few days passed her departure back to Japan...

Anyways, touring was kinda fun. I took her to my school and she enjoyed it because it's a lot different from the ones in Japan. My school's small considered to other universities across the country, one because it's in the city and most big school are located in the suburbs where there is a lot more land for cheap.

I took her to a dinner with a person I know from my previous work and we went to an Italian restaurant. (And we were treated!!)
I took her to a "hip" cafe in wicker where I used to spend so many hours studying, smoking, and drinking coffee. It's been relocated and you can no longer smoke after the smoking ban in 08, but it's still cool. Ilike the arty area and its atmosphere. It's feels so free.

And then her friend from Boston came on Thursday. I took them to Uno's pizza, waited for more than an hr, finally got seated and ate the Deep Dish Chicago Pizza. We then moved to the Hancock!! We went to the Signature room where you can see a great view of Chicago. It is just so mesmerizing. You just become speechless.

We went back to my school the next day and that's when my friend lost her digital camera.... it was so new someone must have stolen it.... feel so bad but i kept telling her to watch her back because it's not as safe as it is in Japan where you can safely sleep on trains for hours....

We went to the Bulls' game too. it was cool! Even though we lost the game and my favorite player was gone this season.... it was still the feeling you get from the liveliness and looking at in-shape athletes!!

On Sat, we headed for some thai and then I had to leave them at the Lincoln Pk Zoo because I had to work for a wedding. It was longer than I expected but hey, as long as I get paid, I can't complain :)

Then we went back home instead of going to my friends' beer tasting party because my friend was coming down on a cold...........................

anyways, they wouldn't keep quiet at my apt where I live with a nagging roommate who's always moody.

And then we went to some museums and parks around the city, took a boat ride to Navy Pier, had a dinner with one of my roommates and our friend at a Mexican cuisine, and then came back home from their last night in Chicago...

The next morning I saw them off at O'Hare. was the longest week!

it's solely a journal for me to remember what I did.

It was a long week full of touring and stuff but the sad part is, I don't remember much.....

I wish I had the same week with whom I truly want to be :P
