









 スープ:いりこ(煮干し)10匹、 水200ml、牛乳400mL、白味噌大さじ2








 (1人分:約450kcal 塩分2.6g)












<骨に関連する栄養素>               <豊富な食材>


カルシウム:骨の材料               ・・・乳製品、大豆製品、海藻など

ビタミンD:カルシウムの吸収を助ける     ・・・魚、きのこ、(※日光浴)

ビタミンK:カルシウムを骨に定着させる    ・・・納豆、緑黄色野菜、卵








In my work as a dietitian, I have been asked to propose a recipe to prevent "osteoporosis".
The key words for preventing osteoporosis are foods rich in protein, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K. Calcium is a mineral that Japanese people tend to lack., and dairy products are recommended for their high absorption rate. Vitamin D is abundant in fish and seafood by far, and is also abundant in mushrooms. And vitamin K is abundant in natto (fermented soybeans) and green and yellow vegetables.
Is there any dish that has all of these things, is easy to prepare, warm, and tasty? I was thinking about it, and then... there it was! It is "Asuka Nabe.
Asuka-nabe is a local dish of Nara approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and consists of chicken and vegetables simmered in milk and broth.

In the Asuka period (710-794), an envoy from the Tang Dynasty brought a dairy product similar to condensed milk to Nara and presented it to Emperor Kotoku. This is said to have been the beginning of the drinking of milk in Japan. At that time, milk was the drink of the nobility, but monks also began to drink it in secret, and eventually boiled the meat of their chickens with milk and ate it, which is said to be the origin of "Asuka nabe". As time went by, Asuka-nabe spread among the common people, but since milk was expensive at the time, goat's milk was used. In the early Showa period (1926-1989), the current form of Asuka nabe was invented using milk, a local product, as Asuka's specialty.
     (Excerpt from the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan)

Therefore, I proposed an original recipe that incorporates osteoporosis-preventive ingredients into the basic recipe:

 Asuka nabe (Ingredients: 2 servings)
 Soup: 10 dried sardines, 200ml water, 400ml milk, 2 tablespoons white miso
 Ingredients: 150 g chicken, 2 pieces of thick fried tofu, a handful of vegetables (turnip, carrot, Chinese cabbage, leek, etc.), a handful of vegetables (mushrooms, greens)

 Preparation method: 
1. make soup stock with water and iriko (small sardine).
2. Put 1 and milk in an earthenware pot, add chicken, vegetables, and deep-fried tofu, and heat over medium heat. 
3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Add the same amount of soup stock to the white miso paste, mix well, and add to 3.
5. Simmer for about 5 minutes more until the ingredients are softened, and add boiled greens at the end.

 (Serves 1: about 450 kcal, 2.6g salt)

When eating, add yuzu kosho or shichimi to taste 💕.
Even if you don't add anything, you can enjoy the soup with a gentle sweetness from the milk and extracts from the ingredients.
Add white rice to finish and you have a superb risotto. It is low in salt, so you can even enjoy the broth.(The salt content of yose-nabe is about 5g, and that of Asuka-nabe is half that.)
How about "Asuka Nabe" which makes your bones strong and tasty?

It is said that bone density peaks between the ages of 20 and 30 for both men and women, and gradually declines from the age of 40.
Since bone density decreases especially in women after menopause, it is important to be careful about what you eat on a daily basis.
Nutritional deficiencies due to extreme dieting among young women are also a cause for concern💦.

<Nutrients related to bones> &<Rich foods>

Protein: Collagen material that improves bone quality ・・・ meat, fish, eggs, soy products, dairy products
Calcium: A material for bones ・・・ Dairy products, soybean products, seaweed, etc.
Vitamin D: Helps calcium absorption ・・・ fish, mushrooms, (*sun exposure)
Vitamin K: fixes calcium in bones ・・・ Natto (fermented soybeans), green and yellow vegetables, eggs
                   *Vitamin D is also produced in the body through sunbathing.

Nutrients that "strengthen bones" contained in "Asuka Nabe":
 Protein: chicken, deep-fried tofu, milk
 Calcium: milk, deep-fried tofu
 Vitamin D: dried sardines (for soup stock), shimeji mushrooms
 Vitamin K: carrots, rape blossoms