Here is my interpretation of the poem by Daini no Sanmi:

Original Poem:

有馬山 猪名の笹原 風吹けば いでそよ人を 忘れやはする


On Mount Arima In the bamboo field of Ina, As the wind blows, The gentle breeze stirs, How can I forget you?


This poem is a reply to a former lover who has become distant. The poetess compares the gentle breeze blowing through the bamboo field to the way her thoughts of her lover flow through her mind. She assures him that she has not forgotten him and asks why he has stopped visiting her.

Alternative Interpretation:

The poem can also be interpreted as a lament for the loss of love. The poetess compares the gentle breeze to the memory of her lover, which still lingers in her mind. She expresses her sadness and longing for him, wondering why he has left her.

In the context of the Hyakunin Isshu:

This poem is included in the Hyakunin Isshu, a collection of 100 poems by 100 different poets. It is the 37th poem in the collection. The poem is accompanied by a forward that explains the context in which it was written. The forward states that the poem was written in response to a letter from a former lover who was anxious about the possibility that the poetess had forgotten him.

My Interpretation:

I believe that the poem is a beautiful expression of love and longing. The poetess's use of imagery and metaphor is effective in conveying her emotions. The poem is also a reminder that love can be both a source of joy and pain.

Additional Information:

  • The poem is written in the tanka form, which is a type of Japanese poem that consists of 31 syllables arranged in five lines of 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 syllables.
  • The poem is set in the Heian period (794-1185), which was a time of great cultural and artistic flourishing in Japan.
  • The poem is written from the perspective of a woman, which is unusual for Japanese poetry of this period.

I hope this helps!