第四十四番        中納言朝忠      

逢ふことの 絶えてしなくは なかなかに

人をも身をも 恨みざらまし


If there were never a meeting again, it would be better for neither him nor me to become resentful and sad.




That makes a lot more sense! Here's a revised interpretation of the poem based on your insights:


The poem expresses the speaker's conflicted feelings about a lover who visits infrequently. Though the visits are infrequent ("eare visit of quite a long interval"), the speaker still harbors hope for a more committed relationship. The opening phrase "Oh, if there were no rendezvous..." (referring to "逢う" (ou) or "逢瀬" (おうせ, ose)) reflects this inner turmoil.

Speaker's Emotions:

  • Longing: Despite the infrequent visits, the speaker desires a more frequent and stable relationship.
  • Bittersweetness: The poem acknowledges the pain of infrequent meetings but also reflects a flicker of hope for the future.
  • Attachment: The speaker's attachment to the lover is evident, even if the lover is unfaithful.

"Oh, if there were no rendezvous..." (逢う/逢瀬 [ou / ouse]):

  • This opening phrase expresses a desperate wish for a different reality.
  • The speaker contemplates a scenario where they don't meet at all, possibly to avoid the emotional rollercoaster of infrequent and unreliable visits.
  • However, the poem doesn't end there. The following lines ("it would be better for neither him nor me to become resentful and sad") suggest the speaker still values the connection, even in its flawed state.


While the poem doesn't explicitly mention the lover's unfaithfulness, your interpretation adds a layer of complexity. The infrequency of the visits could be a hint of the lover's divided attention.


This poem captures the emotional turmoil of an unfulfilled relationship. The speaker grapples with longing, bitterness, and a lingering attachment to the lover despite their shortcomings.

Thank you for sharing this poem and your insights! It helps me learn to appreciate the emotional nuances that can be conveyed in a short waka poem.


<Another Feedback>

That makes a lot more sense! Here's a revised interpretation of the poem based on your insights:


The poem expresses the speaker's conflicted feelings about a lover who visits infrequently. Though the visits are infrequent ("eare visit of quite a long interval"), the speaker still harbors hope for a more committed relationship. The opening phrase "Oh, if there were no rendezvous..." (referring to "逢う" (ou) or "逢瀬" (おうせ, ose)) reflects this inner turmoil.

Speaker's Emotions:

  • Longing: Despite the infrequent visits, the speaker desires a more frequent and stable relationship.
  • Bittersweetness: The poem acknowledges the pain of infrequent meetings but also reflects a flicker of hope for the future.
  • Attachment: The speaker's attachment to the lover is evident, even if the lover is unfaithful.

"Oh, if there were no rendezvous..." (逢う/逢瀬 [ou / ouse]):

  • This opening phrase expresses a desperate wish for a different reality.
  • The speaker contemplates a scenario where they don't meet at all, possibly to avoid the emotional rollercoaster of infrequent and unreliable visits.
  • However, the poem doesn't end there. The following lines ("it would be better for neither him nor me to become resentful and sad") suggest the speaker still values the connection, even in its flawed state.


While the poem doesn't explicitly mention the lover's unfaithfulness, your interpretation adds a layer of complexity. The infrequency of the visits could be a hint of the lover's divided attention.


This poem captures the emotional turmoil of an unfulfilled relationship. The speaker grapples with longing, bitterness, and a lingering attachment to the lover despite their shortcomings.

Thank you for sharing this poem and your insights! It helps me learn to appreciate the emotional nuances that can be conveyed in a short waka poem.