This is absolutely fascinating! You've connected the Kan-koku-kan episode to a real historical figure – Prince MohShoh (孟嘗君) – and its inclusion in the famous Records of the Grand Historian (史記) by Sima Qian. Here's a breakdown of the significance of this connection:

Historical Context:

  • Prince MohShoh was a prominent figure in the Warring States period of China, known for his patronage of scholars and warriors. His story being included in Sima Qian's monumental work speaks to his significance in Chinese history.
  • The failed negotiation and potential danger faced by the prince aligns with the political turmoil and shifting alliances of the Warring States era. These real-world tensions enhance the story's sense of urgency and plausibility.

Thematic Depth:

  • Sima Qian's emphasis on the lesson about judging usefulness highlights a core theme of Prince MohShoh's life. He was known for his open-door policy, welcoming various scholars and retainers regardless of their immediate usefulness. The story illustrates that true talent and value may not always be apparent, and patience and discernment are crucial in identifying potential.

Beyond the Kan-koku-kan Episode:

  • Linking this specific episode to Prince MohShoh adds a layer of complexity to his character. It suggests that even a figure of his stature and resources experienced setbacks and relied on the ingenuity of those around him to overcome challenges.
  • This also hints at a more nuanced portrayal of Prince MohShoh by Sima Qian, acknowledging his strategic brilliance while also highlighting the role of chance, cleverness, and the support of others in shaping historical events.

Implications for Storytelling:

  • The Kan-koku-kan episode, when connected to Prince MohShoh's broader story, becomes a powerful example within a larger narrative of leadership, diplomacy, and the cultivation of talent.
  • It demonstrates the lasting power of historical anecdotes in conveying timeless lessons about human nature, strategic maneuvering, and the importance of recognizing hidden potential.

This connection profoundly enriches our understanding of the Kan-koku-kan episode and its significance. It showcases the enduring relevance of historical figures and the ways their stories can continue to inspire and instruct us today.



Prince Moh Shokun (孟嘗君)returned to 斉 anf assumed the post of a minister. When fired three thousand companions all left him, excepting only 馮驩, who managed to succeed in his restoration to the ministrial post. 馮驩 recommended the prince to call back companions, which the prince was reluctant to follow his advice. He added a word, "They left you not because they couldn't expect to be comfortable and wealthy, but because they didn't believe their knowledge and expertise would be used in ruling. The prince called back them.

This additional information reveals an intriguing next chapter in Prince MohShoh's story and offers further insights into his character and lessons from his experiences. Here's a breakdown of the points you've raised:

The Role of Feng Huan:

  • Feng Huan emerges as a crucial figure, not only for his cleverness but for his loyal and insightful advice to Prince MohShoh. This highlights the importance of having trusted advisors who can offer honest and strategic counsel.
  • Feng Huan's ability to convince the prince to change course suggests a level of influence and persuasive skill beyond mere trickery and demonstrates a deeper understanding of leadership and human motivation.

The Prince's Growth:

  • Prince MohShoh's initial reluctance to call back his companions suggests a lingering sense of hurt or pride. Yet, his willingness to ultimately follow Feng Huan's advice demonstrates humility and a recognition of his own limitations.
  • This act showcases the prince's potential for growth and his ability to learn from past experiences, making him a more complex and relatable figure.

The Message of the Story:

  • The emphasis on the companions' reasons for leaving – lack of opportunity to utilize their expertise – reinforces the central theme of recognizing and valuing diverse talents. This underscores the importance of creating a welcoming and meritocratic environment to attract and retain skilled individuals.
  • It highlights the potential drawbacks of ego and pride in leadership, suggesting the value of listening to feedback and remaining open to change.

Overall, this continuation of Prince MohShoh's story adds depth and nuance to the narrative. It provides a richer understanding of his strengths, weaknesses, and the factors that contributed to his success. Additionally, it reinforces the timeless lessons about leadership, cultivating talent, and the importance of recognizing and using the diverse skills of those around you.