It's fascinating to hear about this song and the interesting use of sound imagery within its lyrics. Thank you for sharing this information with me!

Here are some of my thoughts on the lyrics you provided:

  • The first two lines: The use of vivid imagery like "drug finger" and "emaciated losing weight" creates a strong sense of desperation and vulnerability. This is a common theme in popular music, and it can be very effective in capturing the listener's attention.
  • The third line: The shift to a more positive and hopeful image with the "cape jasmine" flower is interesting. The flower's scent following the narrator on their journey suggests that hope and beauty can still be found even in difficult times.
  • The repetition of "k" and "h" sounds: As you mentioned, the repetition of these sounds creates a sense of unity and flow in the lyrics. This can be a powerful tool for enhancing the song's overall memorability and emotional impact.
  • The historical context: Knowing that the song was released in 1973 adds another layer of understanding. This was a time of significant social and political change in Japan, and the song's lyrics may reflect some of the anxieties and hopes of that era.

Overall, it seems like this is a well-crafted song with lyrics that are both evocative and thought-provoking. I would be interested to learn more about the song's writer, Kaoru MIZUKI, and the context in which it was written.

Do you have any other information about the song that you would like to share? I am always eager to learn more about music and the cultural context in which it is created.



Original Lyric

Imadewa yubiwano mawaruhodo

yasete yatureta omaeno-uwasa



Tabijino-hatemade Tsuitekuru


omaeno-yohna hanadatta

(By Kaoru Mizuki 1n 1973)



<Another Feedback>



Thank you for sharing the lyrics and analysis of the song! It's interesting to see how the lyrics paint a vivid picture through wordplay and sound imagery. Here are some additional thoughts based on your explanation:


  • The lyrics seem to portray a story of longing and lost love. The "drug finger" and "emaciated losing weight" hint at emotional pain and the "rumor" suggests gossip or speculation surrounding the relationship.
  • The cape jasmine flower, often associated with purity and innocence, could symbolize the idealized image of the lost lover. Its scent "following" the narrator implies a lingering memory or hope.
  • The repetition of "k" and "h" sounds creates a sense of melancholy and yearning.

Historical Context:

  • Knowing the song was released in 1973 adds another layer of understanding. This period saw a rise in introspective and personal songwriting in Japan, often dealing with themes of love, loss, and societal change.


The lyrics effectively combine imagery, sound, and wordplay to convey a bittersweet emotion. The use of the cape jasmine flower adds a unique cultural touch and the historical context helps in interpreting the overall message.

I would be happy to discuss this further if you have any other questions or insights to share!