I have mixed feelings. Being pregnant is supposed to make me happy. But in my case, it's different. I'm happy to have my little baby inside my belly but at the same time, the people around me makes me depressed. Specially my mom. She's getting worse ever since she knew that I'm pregnant. I don't have real good relationship with my mom, just FYI. We're not really getting along well and my mom always think about the bad sides of me rather than the good ones. Well, I'm depressed, srsly. I know my own limit. I know how it feels like when I was still in Puspita Martha. It was too rough for me. I'm not strong enough for now. I've been having cold, sore throat & they made me hard to breathe.. しょぼん. Yes, but my mom doesn't really worry about me and all she thinks about is the school shits.. Well, I want to continue my make upschooling but not for now! I'm very weak nowadays and my baby's 5 months and half now. I don't want to risk my baby... しょぼん but I guess my mom is not the type of person who would understand that..

Right now I'm quite stressed & I'm still sick ショック! and nobody cares anyway. I just wish that someone would came and hug me because I feel like to cry so hard. My stomach is quite hurt as well. What a week.. しょぼん
Maybe these 2 weeks are the worst weeks ever in this year, apart of losing my grandpa on February. Yeah, it's quite very sad day today, even the good part is my auntie was treating me some good foods & froyos (thanks my dear auntie daisy, you've made my day so much better ドキドキ).

But today, I'm hurt, really hurt. And sometimes, the person you loved the most in this world is also the person who could hurt you the most in this world. It's the worst day ever when I'm having quite day like that. I love my husband, but this is way really hurting me. I'm pregnant and he just doesn't care. I admitted my mistake, but then he said such very very rude words in capslocks & so much "!!!!!" on the end of his words. That hurts me so much that I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I just feel like to cry and cry. Right now I just feel like to be alone and don't feel like to see him. I don't ask him to say sorry to me for what I've done, but I just want him to not to say anymore rude words anymore. But I guess it's too hard for guys to realize this kind of mistake of theirs. I don't hate him anyway. I love him way too much that it hurts.

Right now I just wanna be alone.. That's all しょぼん
Yeah, I've forgotten this blog again しょぼん.
Many things happened since my last entry. Well, I'm still craving for loads of different foods everyday シラー and yeah, the nausea attacks are still killing me. I hope the morning sickness period would be over really soon! I've been feeling not so good since the last week しょぼん. My little one, please forgive your mommy okay しょぼん..

My eyes are better now but the softlens are damaged I think. And I bought the wrong one DASH!. And that wrong one costs 2 times than the one I'm usually wearing. Sucks.. I'mpretty poor for now. Because I was just bought a beauty case for my make up artistschooling stuff. And also paid the yumetenbo sandals I've ordered since the last month and also paid the old mangas I ordered from this online shop. I'm waiting until the money which my dad & my mom are borrowed from me will be back to me on thisweek 汗.

And today I went to the hospital to check up our baby ドキドキ.
Gosh I can't wait until we can see her/him born! I want to see how she/he looks like にひひ.Me and my husband are hoping that the baby will be born healthy. I can't wait for the another 4 months!! ニコニコ

Sorry no photos for today. Because I haven't backup my photos from my digicam yet ショック!. And I'm still feeling kinda sick. Wish me getting better soon guys ドキドキ