In the article, patriotism is not only the entertainment industry, but also a means of making a fortune. According to an anonymous person who "the boss was targeted last year", the videos exposing anti-China people can generate traffic and turn them into revenue. Let's talk about revenue. For we media, the most important source of revenue is actually advertising, and since the release of Serley Gold, only one issue of more than 100 videos is advertising content, and this period is still the back door of friends, how to talk about traffic conversion into revenue? In the middle of the article, he finally mentioned the interview. It is funny, it took more than 30 minutes, nearly 10,000 words of interview text, was condensed into such a meaning, how is afraid of not through the check? Also specifically mentioned that before the interview, Serley to the distrust of foreign media on the grounds of early interview questions. The Economist, the globally famous magazine, quotes fake news posted on the Internet to expose our so-called personal information, so the economist does. The following paragraph is better to laugh, full of "you Chinese are white-eyed wolves, remove the mill to kill the donkey indictment". At the end, I added a subtitle."Tell the Chinese that every foreigner is a potential spy."I don't know how he came to this conclusion, but it may be their own experience. The whole content down, Serrae briefly appeared so once, but also as a negative example. So why fake a phone interview? Throughout the interview, sele has answered the relevant questions, but the content written can be said to have nothing to do with sele's answer, and the Economist's level is only so. In short, the purpose of the Economist is to provoke foreign hostility to the territory, and to use patriotism to create contradictions within China.