
How long a bird can fly without a land or tree to rest  How long a human can survive without his or her society at its best! A human cannot survive alone and he or she cannot survive as a small independent group. They need a bigger entity. But without bonding, no entity can last long. Country is that entity and patriotism is the binding force. There are several questions about the modern human and the human society. A simple human life has become so much complex even after thousands of years of civilizations. This requires introspection, reform, design, and action.Do you like democracy or you like to be ruled?When we talk about patriotism, we remember about the soldiers, freedom fighters, social reformers or singing patriotic songs and saluting the national flag. What is your definition of patriotism? Should a soldier die for the people who do not go for voting to elect their own representative to govern the country? Is patriotism necessary in the age of globalization? Is global 