'JUST DANC!' is sooo cool✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

But TJ is not only cool but also unique because of their peaceful vibes and tenderness. Amazingly, all of them are really nice guys without exception. You can confirm what I say 

by watching their YouTube channel.

I’d like to introduce you TJ’s YouTube with English subtitles. Some of them have Chinese and/or Korean subtitles too.

In the subtitles, their last names are used.

❤️Chaka   Kaito Miyachika

       宮近 海斗

🤍Noel      Noel Kawashima

       川島 如恵留

💚Umi       Kaito Nakamura

       中村 海人

💗Shime   Ryuya Shimekake

       七五三掛 龍也

💛Shizu    Shizuya Yoshizawa

       吉澤 閑也

💙Genta   Genta Matsuda

       松田 源太

🧡Machu  Kaito Matsukura

       松倉 海斗

As you can see above, there are 3 "Kaito"s  in TJ. 3 "Kaito"s written in Chinese characteristics are 海斗, 海斗 and 海人. The last one, 海人, is Kaito Nakamura. 海人 can be read as “U mi n chu” beside “Kaito”. In order to distinguish Kaito Nakamura from Kaito Miyachika and Kaito Matsukura,  Kaito Nakamura is called “Umi". 

海, Umi means ocean in Japanese as Umi introduces himself. 

Let's get down to “Tora-tube”!

“To ra” means tiger in Japanese.

☆After stepping a link, you  might have to jump to YouTube App in order to see the subtitles.

You can jump to YouTube App by pushing the square rounded by red color. See below. 

In Kyoto, an ancient capital of Japan

The Golden Umi, Kaito Nakamura💚 appeared in Tokyo, March 2020. 

Why did Umi wear the golden clothes?↓

That happened in the Christmas season of 2018. OMG