A piece of work of the day 31 | 元気まんたん❤️やのまきこのブログ


シドニー在住。トランスパーソナル・セラピー&カウンセリング、レイキ家。身近にいる、植物界 ​
​・鉱物界 ・動物界 の賢者たちの声に耳を傾け、これまで受け取れなかったり見落としていた、自分の内側にある豊かさや喜びを探求中。不定期にブログを配信しています。

Belated post for Christmas as it’s gone for the year, but I would still like to express my sincere thanks to all of your support and connections you have been with me on here.

Wish you all have a safe and pleasant holiday.

Here is my recent work for Seasonal greeting cards.

Christmas flower is lovely to see and draw.  I think I will draw it again for next Christmas (and I hope I will draw it lovelier).





引用元:A piece of work of the day 31