Unityを搭載したVMware Fusionのβ4版が公開 | Mac mini でリビングPC

Unityを搭載したVMware Fusionのβ4版が公開

VMware Fusion

米VMware が Intel Mac に対応した仮想化ソフト「VMware」の Mac OS X 版「VMware Fusion for Mac」のベータ4版を公開した。

VMware Fusion for Mac は、Intel プロセッサ搭載 Mac 上で Windows XP などの OS を仮想マシンとして動作させるソフトウェア。

今回公開されたβ4版では、新機能「Unity」を搭載。これは Parallels Desktop for Mac でいうところの「Coherence(コヒーレンス)」と同等の機能で、Mac と Windows のアプリケーションをシームレスに扱うことができるもの。Unity では Windows アプリケーション個々も command-tab やエクスポゼによってアプリケーション・ウィンドウの切替が出来る点で、Coherence 以上の使い勝手を実現している。

β4版ではこのほか、Boot Camp 上の Windows Vista のサポートやパフォーマンスの改善なども含まれている。

What's New and Improved with VMWare Fusion Beta 4

  • Unity — The seamless way to run Windows applications: Run Windows XP applications alongside your favorite Mac applications and switch between any open application with command-tab or Exposé. Leave the Windows desktop and Start menu behind and use the VMware Fusion Launch palette to quickly find and launch your Windows applications. Save your favorite Windows applications to the Mac OS X Dock. Even use familiar Mac keyboard shortcuts to seamlessly copy and paste between Windows and Mac applications. See Using Unity View.
  • Boot Camp improvements — You no longer have to choose between Windows or Mac-run Windows XP with Mac OSX off your existing Boot Camp partition. Beta 4 adds experimental support for Microsoft Vista, greatly improves Boot Camp partition detection, and when you are running the Boot Camp partition in a virtual machine, VMware Fusion automatically updates the Boot Camp partition to use drivers that are optimized for your virtual machine.
  • Improved performance — Virtual machines boot faster and applications launch faster from virtual hard disks. Interactive performance is improved over previous betas and VMware Fusion now uses Apple's multithreaded OpenGL engine for improved performance.
  • Improved user experience — The toolbar is greatly enhanced and is now completely customizable. To make the display less cluttered and easier to use, the virtual hardware buttons have been moved from the toolbar to the status bar. The virtual machine hardware editor is a now sheet attached to the virtual machine you are editing.

VMware - Fusion Beta Program
VMware Fusion for Mac Release Notes

VMware、VMware Fusionのβ3版を公開
VMware、WWDCにてMac OS X版を発表