M-Swift ロンドンでのライブが決定! | M-SWIFT OFFICIAL BLOG Powered by Ameba

M-Swift ロンドンでのライブが決定!

M-Swift ロンドンでのライブが決定しました。

3月20日(火)レイトンスクエアの"LUNA"にて、ニューアルバムに参加するボーカリストShea Soulや、先日リリースされたニューシングルを歌うLex Cameronも参加してのフル編成でのライブとなります。21時からのフリーエントリーとなります。ロンドン在住のみなさまぜひお集まりくださいね!詳細はこちらです。



M-Swift presents his “Sophisticated Soul” sound from Tokyo with the help of some of his friends from London: Lex Cameron and Shea Soul (lead vocals), Nick Cohen (bass), Jay Phelps (trumpet) and others to be announced.

This is a party for the release of the latest 7” single “Come On Up For a While” featuring Lex Cameron. Don’t miss it!

M-Swift - London Live

7” Record ”Come on up for a while ” Release Party

20th of March at Luna


Free Entry

Live: M-Swift

Lex Cameron (Lead Vocal / Key)

Shea Soul(Lead Vocal)

Nick Cohen(Bass)

Jay Phelps (Trumpet)

Shouhei Matsushita (Guitar )

Chris Morris (Dr)

And more guest players

M-Swift Brand New Single

Come on up for a while feat. Lex Cameron


M-Swift (Shouhei Matsushita) made his debut on Italian label, IRMA Records, in 2007. Since then, his style of jazz, soul and dance music has been highly acclaimed. Under different project names, he has released a total of seven albums, plus various singles and EPs, with distribution in Europe, the US and Japan. Now, as M-Swift again, Shouhei presents his 4th artist album: Moving With The Changes - another successful London/Tokyo collaboration, featuring top UK vocalists, and musicians from both cities including: Nate James, Vanessa Haynes, Shea Soul, Tony Remy, Hideaki Hori, Nick Cohen, Tabu Zombie (Soil&Pimp Sessions), Steve Lewinson