1. Sw Opposition Mod
  2. Sw Opposition Mod Download
  • 1CfgAmmo
    • 1.1A
    • 1.2C
    • 1.3F
    • 1.4I
    • 1.5L
    • 1.6M
    • 1.7N
    • 1.8S
    • 1.9T
    • 1.10W
  • 2CfgWeapons
    • 2.1B
    • 2.2C
    • 2.3F
    • 2.4L
    • 2.5W
  • 3CfgVehicles
    • 3.1A
    • 3.2C
    • 3.3I
    • 3.4L
    • 3.5N
    • 3.6P
    • 3.7R
    • 3.8S
    • 3.9V
Note that this is the relevant page for Arma 3 targeting. Implementations for older Arma titles differ somewhat, but are irrelevant for Arma 3.
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  3. SW Opposition? It's been awhile since the mod has been removed from WS.So what happen to it?DId it get cancelled?Dev still working? (i went up to their sites but only see the old download link).

OPPOSITION Team - Official Website-OPPOSITION Team Mods are a series of Mods featuring a huge repository of models, weapons, ships, maps and vehicles from different Sci-Fi movies, TV series and games. STAR WARS OPPOSITION Mod for ArmA3 features models, weapons, ships, maps and vehicles from all Star Wars episodes. This add-on is provided for Arma 3 and is not to be used with VBS or any of its derivatives built for the purpose of military training.




Limits locking to specific target category. Also says if the AI will be 'able' to engage these certain types with the given ammo(for the actual AI target preference use aiAmmoUsageFlags).


Can lock onto ArtilleryTarget object (created when commanding an AI that operates an artillery piece). Warning: With artilleryLock = 1 the airfriction gets forced to 0 ingame.


If set to true the missile flies towards a marked target and after reaching lockSeekRadius it searches for the best target (can be still the marked target) and homes in on it. If set to false the missile needs a valid lock first and will only guide towards the locked target.The property is used for example for guided artillery shells.




Says whether the missile can provide camera feed after being launched.


Defines the guidance sensitivity to countermeasures (flares, chaff, smoke). Range 0..1. The higher the number the more chance missile will ignore CM.1 makes it completely ignore CM while 0 makes the projectile lose its target immediately after first CM is fired.



Array of flight profiles (guidance specifics) the missile is allowed to use as a fire mode.Each entry references a flight profile class defined in the ammo and is paired with fire modes of the weapon.The naming has to be exactly the same in ammo flight profile class, weapon fire mode class, modes[] and flightProfiles[].Classes that are defined in the ammo but which are not included in the flightProfiles at the same time will be ignored.

More info in Arma 3 Missile flight profiles



Property is unused if the ammo uses the new Sensors (Radar, IR..) system.

Can lock air/ground vehicles (target vehicle must have irTarget=1).



Property is unused if the ammo uses the new Sensors (Radar, IR..) system.

Can lock on LaserTarget objects (laserTarget = 1).


Specifies the maximum distance from the initial target position where the missile will search for suitable targets if it has autoSeekTarget enabled.


Defines ammo dependance on weapon lock. Only works for missiles.



Defines how much the missile is able to turn / how well it can be controlled during the flight.


Missile follows the cursor (unless locked onto a target). maxControlRange, maneuvrability and missile speed are very important for manual control. AI is able to guide missiles manually too.


Defines the distance in meters from the firing platform at which manual control over the missile is lost and it flies in a straight path.


Defines the in-flight maximum cone from the missile where the player has to aim in order to retain manual guidance.Missile can re-gain the control if the player's aim goes outside of the cone for a moment and reappears later.


Defines the in-flight maximum cone (field of regard) from the missile where the missile can still track the target. Missile can re-gain tracking if target disappears for a moment and reappears later within the cone.


Defines the in-flight maximum cone from the missile where the target has to be and remain so the missile can lock it.

This doesn't affect missile's Sensor so in theory a missile can 'know about' a target outside of its locking range.


Crash tag team racing iso psp. Specifies the maximum distance at which the missile is able to lock a target.This doesn't affect missile's Sensor so in theory a missile can detect and track a target outside of its locking range.


Specifies the minimum distance at which the missile is able to lock a target.This doesn't affect missile's Sensor so in theory a missile can detect and track a target outside of its locking range.


Specifies the maximum speed (m/s) at which the target can be travelling to be still lockable by the missile.This doesn't affect missile's Sensor so in theory a missile can detect and track a faster target than it can lock.



Property is unused if the ammo uses the new Sensors (Radar, IR..) system.

Can lock onto NVTarget objects (IR-Grenades thrown by infantry).



Indirectly affects missiles turning / the flight path once the missile changes its orientation. The higher the side friction the more accurate is the maneuvring with the missile.



​​Range 0-1, how much is the missile performing 'smart' tracking, which assumes onboard computer computing predicted target position at the impact time, resulting in a mostly straight flight trajectory.


Simulates manoeuvering errors of the missile.



Defines which

  • target vehicle's lockDetectionSystem will be able to detect being locking by this ammo
  • target vehicle's incomingMissileDetectionSystem will be able to detect this ammo when it is in-flight and guided towards the target vehicle
  • countermeasures' weaponLockSystem will break this ammo's lock or guidance. (Same property is used also on flares and chaff to define the opposite match.)

More details in Arma 3 Countermeasures




Fire control and aids

Various fire control systems and ballistic aids can be defined (and combined) in a weapon system. Aids based on target motion prediction (1 and 4) require a Sensor (Radar, IR..) to be able to track the target (Since Arma 3 1.60 they are no longer dependable canLock > 0. You can mark anything what your sensors are able to detect and use the gained information for fire control.)




Determines if the weapon can lock onto targets allowed by the ammunition it uses.


Defines how well the weapon can maintain lock if the target fires countermeasures (flares, chaff, smoke).



Maximum target speed (m/s) to which the gun can still adjust zeroing/deflection



Determines if weapons locks automatically a target within its lock cone or player has to use Lock Target action while pointing at a target.


Determines sound played once the selected weapon starts locking a target. The sound is played in a loop while locking.Note the sound is only played if the weapon is a missile.

Sound array : {'path/to/file.wss',<volume priority>,<sound pitch>}


Determines sound played once the selected weapon locked its target. The sound is played in a loop until the weapon maintains a lock and is able to fire.Note the sound is only played if the weapon is a missile.

Sound array : {'path/to/file.wss',<volume priority>,<sound pitch>}



Once the locking conditions are met (target is marked, can be locked by this projectile and is in missileLockCone), how much time in seconds would it take for the lock to be achieved.


Defines which target vehicle's lockDetectionSystem will be able to detect being marked/tracked by this weapon.

More details in Arma 3 Countermeasures




If true, allows the usage of automatic cycling of targets using Tab (Next Target key assignment - default 'R' in Arma 3).Can be used for driver, or each individual turret.


Defines if the vehicle is considered as a training target by AI and IFF sensors (always enemy).


Enables the Artillery Computer feature and allows the usage of artillery-type weapons more efficiently.


Only used by ArtilleryTarget class objects.ArtilleryTarget gets created temporarily on the position designated by a player leader for a subordinate AI artillery operator (Fire Artillery command). Can be locked by projectiles with artilleryLock = 1;



Defines specific tools/sensors for the AI/players when on a specific seat.

  • 1 = CanSeeRadar
  • 2 = CanSeeEye
  • 4 = CanSeeOptics
  • 8 = CanSeeEar
  • 16 = CanSeeCompass
  • 1+16 = CanSeeRadarC
  • 31 = CanSeeAll
  • 32 = CanSeePeripheral //


Can be defined per individual turret. Useful to restrict access to vehicle sensors (target marking) on some positions in vehicles (i.e. door gunners)


Defines how far the vehicle can detect incoming missiles incoming missiles

More details in Arma 3 Countermeasures



Defines which munitions guided towards the vehicle the vehicle can detect.Checks a bit flag match with the incoming ammo's weaponLockSystem.

More details in Arma 3 Countermeasures


Property is unused if the vehicle uses the new Sensors (Radar, IR..) system.

Those settings can be used instead of irScanRange to make IR+Radar scan range depend on the visibility distance. If there is irScanRange, fixed value is used. The same thing can also be accomplished by setting both irScanRangeMin and irScanRangeMax to the same value.

If there is no irScanRange,IR+Radar scan range is calculated as:

Star wars opposition armaholic

Where visiblity_range is basically a drawing distance, but may be shortened by rain or fog.Float


Property is unused if the vehicle uses the new Sensors (Radar, IR..) system.

Can be used to limit target detection to air or groun targets.


Says whether the vehicle - once heated up - can be detected and tracked by an IR Sensor system.Vehicle heats up mainly from a running engine (~ 6 sec to heat up after engine start, 1h to cool down).Firing a weapon or wheels friction also builds up the vehicle's heat signature.


Says how big the vehicle's heat signature is once heated up. Works as a coefficient of IR Sensor's range within the given combat situation.



Property is unused if the vehicle uses the new Sensors (Radar, IR..) system.

Defines if the vehicle has a Laser Spot Tracker and is able to detect and lock laser targets (for example, CAS jets, gunships).


Defines if the vehicle can be detected by vehicles equipped with a laser sensor (laserScanner). Used only by LaserTarget and Land_VR_Target. classes.LaserTarget gets created at the position of laser spot painted by a laser designator.


Sw Opposition Mod

Defines what type of locking or marking the vehicle can detect.Checks a bit flag match with the locking ammo's weaponLockSystem and/or weapon's weaponLockSystem (when marked).

More details in Arma 3 Countermeasures



Property is unused if the vehicle uses the new Sensors (Radar, IR..) system.

Defines if the vehicle is able to detect and lock Night-Vision targets (used by IR-Grenades).


Defines if the vehicle can be detected by vehicles equipped with a night-vision sensor (nvScanner). Used only by NVTarget and Land_VR_Target. classes.NV target gets created on the position of ammo with


class pilotCamera

Gives the pilot access to a targeting pod (or some CCTV) and control over it in a full screen display feed (via *Multifunction camera* action, Ctrl+RMB by default).

Related commands: hasPilotCamera, getPilotCameraPosition, getPilotCameraDirection, getPilotCameraRotation, getPilotCameraTarget, setPilotCameraDirection, setPilotCameraRotation, setPilotCameraTarget



Says whether the vehicle can be detected and tracked by a RADAR Sensor.

IRTarget is used if undefined for backwards compatibility.


Radar cross-section coefficient of the vehicle. Works as a coefficient of RADAR Sensor's range within the given combat situation.

  • 0.1 - fully stealth (<0.0005m2 RCS) (not recommended)
  • 0.7 - small aircrafts, semi-stealth (~1m2 RCS)
  • 1.0 - mid sized aircraft, car (~5m2 RCS)
  • 1.2 - tanks, trucks (~10m2 RCS)
  • 2.0 - large bomber, small ship and bigger (>80m2 RCS)

Sw Opposition Mod Download


Old Radar and targets indication
  • Property is no longer used for the game HUD UI
  • AI is only able to utilize sensors (Radar, IR, LST..) if value 1, 2 or 4 is used

Integer Cracklock 64-bit.


Says if the vehicle is able to receive targets and positions from friendly vehicles with reportRemoteTargets.

This feature can be added/removed to/from any vehicle or soldier via EDEN editor object attribute 'Data Link Receive' under 'Electronics & Sensors'.


Says if the vehicle is able to broadcast targets acquired by own sensors.

This feature can be added/removed to/from any vehicle or soldier via EDEN editor object attribute 'Data Link Send' under 'Electronics & Sensors'.


Says if the vehicle is able to broadcast its own position.

This feature can be added/removed to/from any vehicle or soldier via EDEN editor object attribute 'Data Link Position' under 'Electronics & Sensors'.



showAllTargets indication

Vehicle/turret setting. Displays all targets known to vehicle sensors in via the ingame UI.Values can be combined.


showCrewAim indication

Vehicle/turret setting. Displays gunner/commander turret aimpoints on the in-game UI. Disabled when crosshair is turned off in difficulty since Arma 3 1.68



Says whether the vehicle can be detected and tracked by a Visual sensor (electro-optical sensors in vis. spectrum, contrast seekers).

IRTarget is used if undefined for backwards compatibility.


Contrast and visual distinguishability properties of the vehicle. Works as a coefficient of Visual Sensor's range within the given combat situation.

See Also

Retrieved from 'https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=Arma_3_Targeting_config_reference&oldid=156729'


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