










Traffic fatalities are the ones that can suddenly knock you into the worst possible situation. 

Also, if you are not careful, anyone can become a perpetrator instead of a victim. 

That is the scary thing about traffic accidents.
And in the case of fatal accidents, it doesn't end with death. 

My daughter left for heaven at 9:33, but because of the fatal accident, I couldn't even bring her home. 

We had to wait for the autopsy to be done.
She left for heaven at 9:33 a.m., and it was around 6:00 p.m. when she was able to leave the hospital.
During that long period of time, my wife kept holding our daughter's hand.
She could feel her hand getting harder and harder as she held it.
Unfortunately, I couldn't see my daughter who was hurt and changed by the accident, so I just kept walking around her and around the mortuary for that long time.
At that time, the person in charge of the transportation company where the perpetrator of the accident worked came to see me, but I refused to see him at that time, although I knew it was rude.
Because I was not in a state of mind to meet him and listen to what he had to say.
When we left the hospital after 6:00 p.m., I picked up my daughter and carried her out of the hospital, but when I picked her up, she was already stiff as a log.