MC:セクシーとピュアは大違う形容詞だけど、今日のゲストはこの二つ形容詞を完璧に融合しました。ピュアとセクシーを兼ね備える三浦春馬さん。ようこそ!{Sexy and pure are two completely different adjectives, but our guest today perfectly merged these two words. He is the sexy and pure Miura Haruma. Welcome!}
MC:中国語で、PPTVの視聴者に挨拶してお願いします。{Please say hi to the PPTV audience in Chinese.}
春馬:大家好,我是三浦春馬,請多關照。(みなんさん、こんにちは、三浦春馬です。どうぞよろしくお願いします。){Hello, everyone! I am Miura Haruma. Nice to meet you all.}
MC:わぁ〜〜すごい!この作品のために、中国語を勉強したことを聞きました。{Wow~ that was great! I heard that you studied Chinese really hard in preparation for this movie.}
春馬:(日本語、翻訳いらない〜){Before going to China, I learned from a teacher from Beijing for 3 months.}
MC:今のレベルはどうですか?{How's your Chinese level right now?}
春馬:少しだけ。。。{Only a little...}
MC:少しだけ喋れるね。じゃ、今、一つ二つ中国語のフレーズを教えてあげてどうですか?{You can only speak a little.. Well, how about I teach you one or two Chinese phrases that could open up your popularity in China?}
春馬:はいはいはい、是非是非。{Yes, please.}
MC: Good! Good!
春馬:ありがとう!{Thank you!}
MC:もう一つ教えてどうですか?{How about another one?}
春馬:是非是非。{Yes, please.}
MC:言語の才能すごいですね!この映画のために、中国語だけでなく、時計修理も勉強したそうですね。{Wow, you really have amazing foreign language talent! I heard that not only did you study Chinese, you also learned how to fix clocks and watches in preparation for this movie.}
春馬:(日本語、翻訳いらない〜){Before going to Shanghai, I spent 2 hours a day learning from a professional clock maker. After coming to Shanghai, I spend another 2 weeks, maybe 10 days, to learn to fix the core parts of the clocks/watches.}
MC:今、本当に時計修理ができますか?{So, can you really fix a clock now?}
春馬:(日本語、翻訳いらない〜)どうなんだろう。。。{Um... I am not very confident... I think I can change (the battery), but I can't fix.}
MC:修理した後で、なんか余るパーツが沢山とか(笑)。なんか、色んな技は芝居をするためから学んでましたそうですね。時計修理だけじゃなく、ダンスとか、いろいろがあります。自分は数えましたか?{After you finished fixing it, you found lots of left over parts.... (laugh) It seems you've acquired a lot of different skills from acting in different work. In addition to fixing clocks, you can also dance... and there are many others. Have you counted how many different skills you've learned?}
春馬:(日本語、翻訳いらない〜)なんだろ。。(Of course, dance and singing... what else... ah.... if you really have to say.... really only a little bit... in the drama "Last Cinderella", I learned to do BMX for a little bit.}
MC:すごい! じゃ、この映画で演じる役はどんな役なのかを視聴者に紹介してください。{Wow~ Now, can you tell our audience about the role you play in this movie?}
春馬:(日本語、翻訳いらない〜)僕が演じた良って言う役ところですね。。。{(I'm going to skip this part...)}
MC:そう言う物語ですね。予告を見ましたが、双子が良を翻弄したシンもありました。同じのリューさんは一人二役を演じて、一緒に芝居をするとき、面白いところを教えてください。{Ah... it's a story like this, huh... I saw in the preview that Ryo had many scenes with the twins... Since they were both played by Liu Shi-shi, when you act with her, did you find anything interesting?}
春馬:(日本語、翻訳いらない〜)もちろん。。。{Of course, it was written in the script who she was when acting with me. But Liu Shi-shi's acting was really brilliant that she could make it clear who she was. But the interesting part in this movie is that, after an incident, their identity got mixed up. Even I could not tell who she was. From that point on, it got really interesting. Of course, I also discussed with her and the director a lot. At the end, it was decided that I just act based on what I feel from my opponent without imagining who she was. It was really interesting.}
MC:予告から感じましたのは、三浦さんとリューさんとチャンさんの演技は素晴らしかったって言うことです。共演のこの二人について、三浦さんはどう思いますか?{As I saw in the preview, your scene with Liu Shi-shi and Joseph Chang were really awesome. Can you tell us how you feel after working with them?}
春馬:(日本語、翻訳いらない〜)シーシーさんは。。。もちろん、。。。{It was a great honor to work with the two of them. Shi-Shi san's concentration was amazing. No matter under what kind of situation, she was able to focus on the acting. Her acting was brilliant. In private, she's very calm, natural, and always friendly. She is a charming person. Everybody at the set, including me, could felt her charisma.}
春馬:ジョセフさんは。。。(日本語、翻訳いらない〜){Joseph san is someone who makes you feel very relax, whether during acting or in private. His acting was very powerful. Before and after the incident, his role was completely different. One thing I was very impressed was that, after the incident, his eyes got red. Because his eyes were always red in the scenes after the incident, I asked him how he did it? He said he didn't do any special preparation. I think, maybe it's because he has completely got into the role, so his eyes naturally got red.}
MC:次は「快問快答(速く聞き、速く答え)」コーナーです。あそこのカメラを向けて、私の質問を聴いてください。{Next, is our "Speey Q&A" corner. Please look at the camera there and listen to my questions.}
春馬:はい。はい。{Ok, sure.}
MC:じゃ、始めましょう。第一問、一番好きな中国の都市はどちらですか?{Then, let's go! First question. What is your favorite Chinese city?}
MC:第二問、一番好きな中国料理は?{Second question. What is your favorite Chinese dish?}
春馬:焼き包子!{Pen fried buns}
MC:中国の俳優(女優)さんの名前、三人を挙げてください。{Please say the names of three Chinese actors/actresses.}
春馬:劉詩詩(リューシーシー)。張孝全(チャンさん)(笑)。。。。湯唯(タンウェイ)さん。{Liu Sh-shi, Joseph Chang (laugh).... and... Tan Wei san.}
MC:最近貰ったプレゼントの中で、一番好きなのは?{From the presents you received recently, what was your favorite?}
春馬:(日本語、翻訳いらない〜)<— ここは重要!!ファンからの手紙ですね!嬉しい〜(涙){Letters from fans.}
MC:「愛してる」を中国語で。。。カメラを向けてください。{Please say "I Love You" in Chinese... please look at the camera.}
MC:私たちもあなたを愛してる!!(笑)今日は本当にありがとうございます!{We love you, too! (laugh) Thank you, Haruma, for coming today!}
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