
Finally leaving Japan. Since I live in Fukuoka, I will depart from Fukuoka International Airport.
I arrived at the airport more than three hours early based on the information that it would be better to check in early for international flights. My friend had already arrived and looked relieved when he saw my face.
This is because the airport is filled with mostly foreigners. It's been a while since I've been abroad and there was no coronavirus outbreak in Japan, but I wonder if there will be so many tourists from overseas after the coronavirus is over, including the fact that the yen is weak.
The rope at the entrance was open, so I lined up at the check-in counter. There was a woman in front of me, so I checked to see if it was the same flight, and she said yes, so if I was second in line, the actual check-in would be an hour later.
I was really surprised, but since we had already arrived at the airport, I just waited in line. After about 15 minutes, a person came to check in at the counter, so I thought the check-in process would start earlier than expected, but I was told that the check-in process would start in 50 minutes, but the line was open and the line would be far behind me. There was a huge movement, including people who were in line behind us.
By the time check-in started, a long line had formed behind me, so I wondered if I was too early, but in the end I was right.
I hadn't reserved a seat, but when I told the kind-looking woman at the counter that I would like to sit next to my friend and her, she took the time to find us a seat, which I was extremely grateful for. There was a fee to reserve a seat, and the total cost for the three flights was about 20,000 yen.
Additionally, since it's Star Alliance, I asked if I could add it to my ANA mileage and they did it right away.
This time, I would be transiting at Incheon Airport and Hamad Airport, so they gave me three airline tickets. It appears that your luggage will go directly to your destination without having to pick it up during transit.
To avoid the crowds, I immediately headed to ``KAL lounge'' where I could use Priority Pass.
This lounge was the smallest lounge I've ever used, but they had unlimited beer, regular beer and dark beer, and they had a decent selection of dry snacks. As for snacks, a small cup of ramen was prepared and was available without any problems.
It's a good start.