I received a comment that it was very difficult to understand because multiple languages ​​were mixed in the post, so I devised a little and moved Spanish and Italian, which are not familiar to Japanese people, to another account.

Today I would like to touch on the purpose of this trip.

1. In San Sebastian, a city famous for gastronomy in the Basque Country, I want to drink alcohol while tasting tapas devised for each store. I want to visit multiple stores because the price seems cheap.

2. When I traveled to Italy last time, I was fascinated by the greatness of the Colosseum that suddenly appeared when I walked from Termini station and left the park, so I would like to see ancient Roman heritage in various parts of Europe.

3. I would like to think back to those days when I saw the Adriatic Sea at the port of Brindisge, which was the end of the Appian Way and the gateway to Greece and the Orient in ancient Roman times.

4. I want to visit many countries because I have the chance. I would like to include Greece, Malta, France Provence, and Monaco, with a focus on Italy, Spain, and Portugal. I thought Southern Europe would be a good time.

5. I want to eat delicious food from all over Europe. If possible, I would like to eat the taste of common people like Japanese curry and ramen.

6. If possible, I think it would be great if I could communicate with local people who have different cultures and histories.

The number one motivation was number 1, but as I thought about it, it increased in number.

As a premise, I want to keep the budget down, so I think that it is essential to devise transportation and accommodation fees. I would like to make it about half the price of a travel agency tour.

#SanSebastian #ancientRomantimes #Colosseum #Brindisge #SouthernEurope

Spanish/Italian below