I watched "Swarm" on Amazon Prime. I've been primarily watching movies lately (I'm logging to letterboxd now so I've been neglecting this blog a bit), so this was the first one I saw in a pretty long time.


So it's about this woman who's obssessed with a female artist named Ni'Jah. She's also a serial killer who tries to kill anyone who said something disrespectful about Ni'Jah on Twitter or anyone who's not a fan, really. Crazy stuff.

I like horror and dark comedy so it was right up my alley, but the episodes were a bit hit and miss for me.


However, Dominique Fishback's performance was brilliant. It was like she changed personalities every episode. She was nervous and innocent, cocky and suave, rude and unhinged, manic and obssessive, she embodied all the emotions with her mannerisms and expressions so well it was a bit scary.


When I watched the first episode, I genuinely thought she was a teenager and I was flabbergasted when I learned she's over 30. She had nailed that awkward teenager look so so well. 


At first I felt sorry for Dre. I thought that although she did seem a little awkward with people, she was clearly the third wheel in that house. Marissa and her boyfriend (I want to say...Khalid?) both seemed to look down on her and kind of pity her in a way. 

But then all those things happened. lol


Oh wait, I was thinking Marissa looked like Halle Bailey and she(the actress)'s actually her sister!? Wow. There was one of the Culkins too, the ones in the acting industry all look so alike it's crazy. 


Anyway, it was a crazy but fun ride.