This was the coolest looking movie I've ever seen!!

All the sets and the special effects were superb, and the city felt futuristic and so real and fake at the same time in the best way possible.


The story had a lot going on and I know there are many layers to it, but it didn't resonate with me as much as the visuals did. It was still great though. The power of mass? Heart (love and compassion?) being the key? Yeah, it was a good story.


I know it was primarily a story between the rulers and the workers, so it makes sense that there would be little to no women on screen, but it still bummed me a little lol. The only woman (women) featured in the main cast felt like a case of "If you're not a saint, you're a whore!" type thing too😂


Speaking of the set, I especially liked the place with the statues each representing the seven sins and the grim reaper. I want to visit it lol.


Oh, and the father was magnificent. His face and mannerisms were deliciously evil but also felt so vulnerable too, I could feel his every emotion through the screen. And can I just say how handsome he is??? 


Maria and the robot were great too! The actress's facial expressions changed so much when she played the robot. Not to mention how cool that design is. The people who came up with the designs are geniuses.