Who is your supporter? | 札幌 宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンターのブログ

札幌 宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンターのブログ

北海道札幌市宮の森 自然治癒力アップセンター


It's going to be March soon,

Do you remember what you had in mind December 31st 2012??

I've been keeping a diary (for 8years now), and I read it over again today....
I noticed that I forgot almost half of what I wrote already(;^_^A,
the things I wanted to do and goals I wanted to achieve in 2013.

Forgetting things is not a bad thing. But I want to be the one who help and support the person who wrote her goals for 2013 with all excitement(*^▽^*)

I want to be the NO.1 fan of myself.