We are safe, thank you.

Yesterday was special day for SAYU女の子, her excursion day. Osamu was off, but it was periodical check at hospital.

At the moment, I was alone at home. I had been tired & sleepy since husband’s mother and my dad had operations and I had taken care of both of them. (They are safe!)

Yesterday morning, I woke up earlier for preparing SAYU女の子’s lunch.

For recent 67years, our area had happened earthquake so often, so at first, I did nothing special.

However I notice my clothes and mobile became wet.

This time, main area is northern east JP but our area had big shaking.

Still now shaking.

Furniture felt down, TV, main phone, printer, locker, refrigerator・・・Usually I put on TV when I feel shake, but I couldn’t heard what happen , where was main. I kept supporting cupboard since many glass were. Our home is located on 11Fl. The biggest intensity of the earthquake here

was 6,but actually we feel plus 2.

Later husband came back, looks like it was hard, cause around Nearest station area closed, and went up to 11fl on foot.

Due to too accustomed often earthquake, ohhhhh still shaking !, I had prepared emergency bag which is located in the room near entrance, the room became terrible and lost the word! He returned furniture back instantly cause still shaking and I wiped floors flown liquid soap, aroma oil or shampoo etc. After our rooms instant

Putting order, he went to pick SAYU女の子 up at the Narita Airport.

However you could imagine, it was heavy traffic congestion. Main car gate was closed and he had turned around to another gate, finally he could enter from smallest gate and pick her up around 20:00.

However, all restaurants at the Airport were closed and any foods drinks had already been bought. So I indicated him to come back earlier (still traffic jam!) and made rice in refrigerator warm by microwave oven, made Onigiri (Japanese rice ball).

They arrived at home around 22:00.

SAYU女の子 had slept and woke up due to cold! She ate Onigiri a little bit and slept again.

He & I had been watching News even the day changes.

Lifeline-gas & water had been stopped. Once we got water, we drink something hot by microwave oven. Now he went to buy hot pot by electricity not gas. But we are not sure until when we depend on electricity cause the government announced to stop nuclear reactor.

Fortunately my dad and mother-in-law who have been hospitalized are safe, besides my mom and sister of mother-in-law accidentally were not alone at the moment.

This time, the government named “Nothern East water front area earthquake”, but finally this attacks Capital Tokyo. Most of workers could not return last night because all trains stopped. A little by little they started now, but our nearest area, not only trains but free ways has closed.

Anyway, our family are OK. I’m dizzy and feel sick thanks to shake such as jet coaster!

OMG. A nuclear reactor in Fukushima Pref burst. I had thought the possiblity.