
I went to the airport to see EastWest Boys on 11th:)

I was so excited to see them!

Todd was so cute! I love him so much<3 lol

yeah, He remembered my face, also my name!

I never tell him my name before!

I couldn't believe that he knows my name!lol

AJ is really nice boy when I saw him:)

His face was so happy when I gave him a candy XD haha

I had so much fun to talk with Chris XD

He was really happy to hear I told him that my brother wants to be like him:D

anyways, I was so happy that I could take some pictures with EWB that day:)

then I went to TOHO cinema's film festival.

EWB's show was amazing every time as always.

$One Wish...

I know Todd noticed me, pointed me, blew kiss to me!

I was almost die!lol

I took some videos so I will upload on my YouTube<3

I will see them on Tuesday or..Ringing Jam!

You know, I got a chance to Meet and Greet at Ringin Jam!

I'm so excited<3 Yes, Yes, so excited, I love EWB!

