One Wish...-200912251835000.jpg
hey guys!

how are you doin today?

I just wanna stoppin to say merry christmas:))))

what did you do today?

did you date with your bf? lol jk

I supposed to do that if I didnt break up with my ex. lol

well, actually not, cuz he lives in the U.S. haha

we broke up like few months ago.

cuz I had to back to Japan, you know.

so even we broke up, we are still friends.

also he is still cute.haha

anyway, I had a party with my friends:)

we had cakes, n a lots of food!

im so full right now.

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well this pic taken by my friend who has blonde hair:P

I have no idea when she took,

n how ugly face I have!

gosh, i'm killin myself...lmao

soooo I hope you had great day!
