I have a news..

I got a letter of result from college which I wanna go.

I passed it!!!!!!!!!!!

I still don't know about scholar ship exam was.

I can't wait to live in Tokyo.

but I'm really afraid about I can live without my family.

I was okay when I was in America, cuz I had a second family.

However, I'm not gonna have family there.

I wish my sis still live there one more year T_T

well, I'll be okay.

I hope my bestie Aino gonna take care of me XD hahahaha

oh, do you know "The Higher"?

they gonna come to Japan, and have a show premire!

I got e-mail that I can go to the show case!:)

I'm so happy though!!!!!!!

so, I will go to Tokyo next week on Thursday<3

hope I can meet my friends there!
