Hello everybody!

It`s Tom here,

Today I am going to talk about something that has been bothering me for some time! Are the current movie and video game makers running out of ideas?

I say this because I enjoy both movies and games and I feel that more recently there has been a whole load of both that are just remakes or sequels or prequels?? Has no-one got any origional ideas?

Here is a little example, the top ten movies of 1990 compared to this year


1 Home Alone

2 Ghost

3 Dances With Wolves

4 Pretty Woman

5 Ninja Turtles

6 The Hunt For Red October

7 Total Recall

8 Die Hard 2

9 Dick Tracy

10 Kindergarten Cop


1The Avengers

2 The Dark Knight Rises

3 The Hunger Games

4 Twilight Breaking Dawn 2

5 Skyfall

6 The Amazing Spiderman

7 Brave

8 Ted

9 Madagascar 3

10 The Lorax

We can see that in 1990 6 of the films were origional, 3 were based on existing characters but new movies and 1 was a direst sequel.

But in 2012 a big 6 are sequels with 2 based on existing characters and only "Brave" and "Ted" are new ideas! Now I know that sequels are sometimes good and an easy way for movie makers to make extra cash but are there so few new ideas out there? I also know that there were plenty of sequels back in the 1990s as both "Ninja Turtles", "Die Hard" and "Home Alone" went on to show but I feel that these days it`s just too easy to make a crappy sequel and roll in the cash and as the viewing audience I feel we should stand up to this by being careful which movies we go to see! Don`t just go and see any old film because you liked the first one be more selective! Then maybe this will inspire directors and writers!!

I used to be a regular cinema goer but more and more, I just don`t bother as so many of the movies look so bad!

This is also a problem in the games industry and a perfect example is the "Call of Duty" series, the games are releaased each year and are barely any different from each other, the mechanics and style of the games remain exactly the same they just change the main characters and the colour of a few guns and take $50 more of your money! I play many games and normally I prefer new and interesting ideas to tired old sequels! But for some reason most people seem happy to fork over their hard earned cash for terrible sequels or awful movie tie in games!

Movie tie in games are often the worst, as soon as a movie makes a little bit of cash at the cinema they rush out a badly made game of the movie. I have been a gamer for 25 years and I am struggling to think of a good game which was released after a movie was popular. The most infuriating thing about it is that people DO buy these games!

Maybe it is because I am getting older and looking back fondly on my childhood, but I don`t think that that is the only reason. I do think that movies and games these days are not as inventive or fresh or new and I wonder why? It`s not like music or books have the same problem is it? I mean there is constant change and invention in both of those kinds of entertainment? So why is it that games and movies in particular are lagging behind?

I suspect that I could rant and rave about this all night but I will stop here to save you from getting bored! But I would be very interested to hear any opinions that you might have!


I`m off for some mister coffee so stop whining and get back on the lagwagon! Bye for now!