One thing defines an entrepreneur - constructive action.


Typically, they're the salesman - doing *everything* to get people to buy their stuff. We all have the image in our heads; the "wheeler-dealer", picking any opportunity to try and exploit (and other people) for profit.

Indeed, the term "entrepreneur" seems to have drifted around the present lexicon - from "something you did" (typically to improve people's lives) into a blend of "money mad hustler" and "someone who doesn't 'follow the rules'".

The reality is the modern meaning could not be further from the truth.

Entrepreneurship isn't a vocation or job. It's not a label which you apply to yourself in order to make yourself more endearing to a particular party, or clientele... it's a way of doing things.

Many "entrepreneurial" types actually have jobs. They'll never admit they are "entrepreneurs", although they exhibit all the traits of one. The question is what these traits are, and whether you - or someone you know - has them.

What Is An "Entrepeneur"?

Entrepreneur is a word derived from French - loosely describing a "problem solver".

Whilst its connotation has changed over the years, the premise persists - an "entrepreneur" is someone who creates a "widget" and has the ability to encourage other people to buy it.

What this "widget" is can be a commercial product, service or idea.

It's actually interesting... some of the greatest "entrepreneurs" of history actually had nothing to do with money. They were completely focused on the development of a particular "result" and committed themselves whole-heartedly to its realization.

Whether this meant conquering the Persian empire (Alexander), developing the light bulb (Edison) or creating stable PC systems (Gary Kildall), conquering the Aztec empire (Cortez), the term "entrepreneur" really denotes someone who wants to build something.

The BIG difference between "original" entrepreneurs and the swathes of new-age idiots (who typically aggrandize a hedonistic lifestyle + seem to have an infatuation for "crypto") is that the former were typically committed to a single profession, and manage to "leverage" that through the development of increasingly ambitious "projects".

These projects could be anything... but they all had a core "reason" to exist. This reason was what drove the originator to pursue the endeavour, and continue even when it was questionable whether it was even "possible" or not. Obviously, the reason we remember them is that they not only discovered it was "possible", but entirely feasible... hence their success.

How To Tell If Someone Is One

The typical sign is they will do strange things...

Their primary concern is the creation of a "thing". What that thing is, is determined by either their character or interests... but in every instance of someone who's achieved a large amount of success, they were completely and utterly focused on doing "their" thing no matter what.

This is actually important.

The modern world seems to have every 18 year old male wanting to be an "entrepreneur" - like it's a badge of honour or something. If you're not "growing", you're "dying"... right?

The truth is that our society has become so focused on convenience that the majority of these money-grabbing idiots have absolutely no business even considering themselves "entrepreneurs".

They have no experience, no skills and are only latching onto the latest "fad" in order to escape the mediocrity which has come to pervade the West's consumerist culture.

Entrepreneurship typically follows YEARS of interest in a particular subject. It typically follows HUGE investments of time & energy into the cultivation of a skill set, experience and "involvement" in a particular space.

Most importantly - entrepreneurship is about doing something "your way".

Stay Clear Of Modern Idiots

The BIGGEST problem I continually see from the hoards of idiots is they are ALL following a "book" or some other "rules" on "how" to be an entrepreneur.

I see it all the time... guys reading all the biographies, neural studies, latest books houstonswap from the big wealthy fat cat - all trying to discover the "secret" to massive success.

What's ironic is that all of this stuff just works on the "outside" of the issue - the same people who read all the "stuff" end up with the SAME questions... "what do I sell?"- "how do I know if I'm going to make money on a product?" - "what's the secret to getting rich?".

The truth is that if you want to "be" an entrepreneur, you have to get to work.

EVERYBODY has their own work. Some are models. Some are footballers. Some are computer programmers. Some are painters.

The "trick" is to do ANYTHING in order to get moving forward in an industry; clean the floors if necessary.

Once you start to gain some progress, the "entrepreneurial" stuff comes from leveraging any progress made within it - either to create & market a product, or to help a market better appreciate the potential of another device/product.

Traits Of "Real" Entrepreneurs

The modern world has very little emphasis on purpose; rather it focuses on productivity.

Nothing wrong with this, but it devoids most people of their passion. It's good for GDP and McDonald's - but bad for the creativity lying latent within a large number of people.

If you want to adopt "entrepreneurial" traits, the key is to become attuned to a particular "purpose" - through which you're able to invest your entire life.

If you're just looking at Ferrari's and thinking that you "kind of want to become rich" - entrepreneurship is not going to do that. It's a very difficult road, with only the most persistent and enduring surviving.

You need to get to work, and only then will you discover hidden opportunities into which you're able to apply your expertise, experience or network to build something of real value to the world. This real value is then absorbed by the market, who'll either pay handsomly for it - or reject it. This is pretty-much what determines whether someone could be considered an "entrepreneur" or not.

A cryptocurrency or cryptocurrency (cryptocurrency of the Saxon) is a virtual currency that serves to exchange goods and services through a system of electronic transactions without having to go through any intermediary. The first cryptocurrency that started trading was Bitcoin in 2009, and since then many others have emerged, with other features such as Litecoin, Ripple, Dogecoin, and others.

What is the advantage?

When comparing a cryptocurrency with the money in the ticket, the difference is that:

They are decentralized: they are not controlled by the bank, the government and any financial institution

Are Anonymous: your privacy is preserved when making transactions

They're International: everyone's opera with them

They are safe: your coins are yours and from nobody else, it is kept in a personal wallet with non-transferable codes that only you know

It has no intermediaries: transactions are carried out from person to person

Quick transactions: to send money to another country they charge interest and often it takes days to confirm; with cryptocurrencies only a few minutes.

Irreversible transactions.

Bitcoins and any other virtual currency can be exchanged for any world currency

It can not be faked because they are encrypted with a sophisticated cryptographic system

Unlike currencies, the value of electronic currencies is subject to the oldest rule of the market: supply and demand. "Currently it has a value of more than 1000 dollars and like stocks, this value can go up or down the supply and demand.

What is the origin of Bitcoin?

Bitcoin, is the first cryptocurrency created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. He decided to launch a new currency

Its peculiarity is that you can only perform operations within the network of networks.

Bitcoin refers to both the currency and the protocol and the red P2P on which it relies.

So, what is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a virtual and intangible currency. That is, you can not touch any of its forms as with coins or bills, but you can use it as a means of payment in the same way as these.

In some countries you can monetize with an electronic debit card page that make money exchanges with cryptocurrencies like XAPO. In Argentina, for example, we have more than 200 bitcoin terminals.

Undoubtedly, what makes Bitcoin different from traditional currencies and other virtual means of payment like Amazon Coins, Action Coins, is decentralization. Bitcoin is not controlled by any government, institution or financial entity, either state or private, such as the euro, controlled by the Central Bank or the Dollar by the Federal Reserve of the United States.

In Bitcoin control the real, indirectly by their transactions, users through exchanges P2 P (Point to Point or Point to Point). This structure and the lack of control makes it impossible for any authority to manipulate its value or cause inflation by producing more quantity. Its production and value is based on the law of supply and demand. Another interesting detail in Bitcoin has a limit