Photoshoot at the TUF Gym! | ローガン・スタントン オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba

Photoshoot at the TUF Gym!

This weekend I went to Vegas for a photo shoot with the UFC. I actually decided to make a road trip out of it and brought my best girlfriend from LA with me!

The first day of shooting was done at TUF gym. It was a long day, but we all had so much fun goofing around together and got some really beautiful pictures out of it! I threw a little bit of my own style on the clothes by wearing sneakers with a sexy dress ;)

After the shoot my friend and I raided the buffet at the hotel and ate way too much! I think it’s safe to say we killed the desserts! Instead of playing slots after, we thought it would be more fun to play bingo so we joined in on a few games of good old fashion bingo. I prefer silly games like that anyway and I almost won! After losing my money to bingo the girls and I went to see Holly Madison’s new show, “Peep Show.” It was so good and she looked great!

The next morning we drove out to the desert to shoot some more. Instead of being hot like we had predicted it was cold and rainy! The conditions weren’t the best, and the static electricity made our hair crazy, but we worked through it and ended up getting some really cool shots!

After the shoot my friend and I drove back to LA, but not before running into two hours of traffic! We made the most out of it with Subway and a Kings of Leon CD J 

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More pictures tomorrow.. べーっだ!