風竜の子供 Lv393 / Lv394 / Lv395
MaxHP 437580 / 438695 / 439810 → 714799718401722002
EXP 291755 / 293225 / 294695
DEF 650
MDEF 3600
STR 2102 → 3102
AGI 600
VIT 350
INT 2463 → 3463
DEX 126 → 800
Element: Wind(風)
Movement Speed(移動速度): 7

MaxHP increased.
STR and INT slightly increased. Attacks will hit for slightly higher damage.
DEX significantly increased. The accuracy of its attacks will significantly increase, and damage will slightly increase.


These are its attacks before the maintanence / これらはメンテナンス前の攻撃です。

1st Attack: Attack(攻撃)
[Physical] [no effect: 5] ※this attack was coded incorrectly / これは開発者のミスです
Probability: 95%, Range: 5, Delay after Attack: 1.5sec

2nd Attack: Blizzard(ブリザード)
[Magical] [Dizzy Ailment] [Pierce 90] [Always Critical] [Area Attack]
Probability: 5%, Range: 5, Delay after Attack: 2.5sec


These are its attacks after the maintanence / これらはメンテナンス後の攻撃です。

1st Attack: Attack(攻撃)
[Physical] [Pierce 30]
Probability: 90%, Range: 5, Delay after Attack: 1.5sec

2nd Attack: Blizzard(ブリザード)
[Magical] [Dizzy Ailment] [Pierce 95] [Always Critical] [Area Attack]
Probability: 10%, Range: 7, Delay after Attack: 2.5sec

Attack(攻撃) was given Pierce 30 (it's a physical attack, so the damage will ignore up to 30 melee resistance).

Blizzard(ブリザード) usage rate adjusted from 5% to 10%, and Range slightly increased.
Blizzard(ブリザード) Pierce slightly increased from 90 to 95 (it's a magic attack, so the damage will ignore up to 95 magic resistance).

