Thank you very much for your interest regarding the team official goods and the fan club. We have been receiving many inquiries and apologize for being not able to answer all of them. 

We are working on this issue, trying to answer all of them. We appreciate very much for your understanding. 

The following are the most common inquiries we have received: 

Q. I would like to join the fan club. 

A. The fan club is organized based on sponsors and local enterprises. We are not recruiting any members at the moment. We are also currently not open for individual fan club members. 

Q. I would like to purchase the official goods online. 

A. We are very sorry that we don’t do online selling. For now, we sell the products at 5 particular stores in Kitami, which are listed on our website. 

Other than the inquiries above, we have received many comments and feedback that are encouraging us. 

We have started this official goods selling as a small start, but we are surprised to see that so many people are reaching us out. 

We will do our best to improve the situation and make a better environment for everyone who supports us and the team. 

Thank you very much for your understanding and kind support. 


Loco・Solare Fan Club Office