LM.C Request Hour Setlist Best 20. | LM.C OFFICIAL BLOG Powered by Ameba

LM.C Request Hour Setlist Best 20.

The concert, that the setlist will be determined by fan votes,
LM.C Request Hour Setlist Best 20”.

$LM.C OFFICIAL BLOG Powered by Ameba

For LM.C, it’s the first of its kind.

Hey everyone, have you already done voting?

You can vote for only one song putting your soul into it,
Or you can make your own best 20 and vote those 20 of them,
Or you can keep voting one specific song every second with the reason that you never miss a chance to hear the song live,
Or you can be like, even though you cannot come to the venue on that day, you will definitely join the concert by voting this!!!

Anything goes.

Awwww, can’t wait.
I have no idea what kind of concert it gonna be.
Especially since a setlist is usually determined by my own discretion, you know.



It just came into my head now.

For doing this kind of concert, performers side usually counts the votes beforehand, knows the order of the performing songs, and goes into the concert.

But, it's juuuuust boring doing so, you knooooow.

There would be some kind of gap between the performing side and the audience side, right?

I want to keep my heart pounding until the last minutes like you all are.


I decided now.

Just like you all are. Me, maya, is also
going to come to the concert without knowing the order of the performing songs and without knowing which songs have been requested. And sing there.

For the team performers except maya, the requested songs will be informed them and let them do rehearsals; but the order of the songs will be announced at the concert in real time. Yup, let’s do this. (Well, it would be acceptable to do rehearsal all songs with everyone together including me, but without knowing the requested songs, though.)

Oh, I think I should also ask the team lighting and PAs to join the Without-Knowing-Song-Order Association…or something.


I’ve decided this on my own without asking.

Woooooooo, so exciting.
The “Cannot-Wait” % went sky high than a few minutes ago.

In any case, you only have one more week to vote, until September 30th.
For especially those who can not make it to the concert, I want YOU to take the initiative in voting.

and, lemme say like VOTE HERE….-ish.

