












 □ Athletes with dual n              may have to choose which country to represent.





 □ A heavy p              is often seen as a sign of a healthy democracy.





 □ I have an appointment at the hospital's eye c             .





 □ The nursing home offers comprehensive d              care services.





 □ Athletes must learn to combat f              during long competitions.





 □ The artist struggled with the d              between creative expression and commercial success.





 □ British people are known for their ability to patiently wait in a q              without complaint.





 □ The accident occurred when the truck failed to negotiate a sharp c             .





 □ First-person n              can create a strong emotional connection with readers.





 □ F              matching techniques have become increasingly sophisticated over time.





 □ The library maintains a database of all books on f             .





 □ Environmental groups advocate for stronger w              preservation policies.





 □ Proper p              applications are crucial for effective pest control.





 □ When the fire alarm sounded, people ran out of a building in a p             .





 □ Immigration has significantly altered the f              of society in many countries.





 □ It's common to have a f              about winning the lottery.





 □ I couldn't imagine that she took a f              to Korean dramas.





 □ The company's business model has the v              of simplicity.





 □ I am g              to my parents for raising me.





 □ The embassy will only process visa applications with a v              passport.










